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AHHH game breaker exploit, any mod fix?


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am enjoying tremendously my modded oblivion... then started a new char, because i finally figured out how the leveling works (to get all +5's)...and then...found a game breaker exploit it is really simple




























decided to save at weynon priory and attack a few sheep and horses just to see what happens... and lo and behold i find just what i hoped not to... that you can easily level up many skills by attacking sheep or horses and they have ample health and cant hurt you much and after you sleep they are full health again


is there any mod fix for this that does not allow to lvl up skills by attacking livestock?

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The only one I have ever heard of is called "Don't attack sheep and horses because you know it's an exploit" mod (it's more a behavior mod than a mod of Oblivion.esm, but on the bright side it's absolutely painless to install and uninstall as many times as you want).


- Edit - And by the way, I'd be interested in knowing some of the details on your character's skill choices. I'm an old school vanilla leveling system type myself. My latest guy (Dunmer male ... I always play a Dunmer male) has a custom class with Armorer, Hand to Hand, Conjuration, Illusion, Mysticism, Acrobatics and Sneak as majors. The only change I'll make for next time is switch Alteration to a major in place of Acrobatics. You can't really control the skill advances in Acrobatics, but I find no difficulty in deciding when to use Alteration spells ... Realistic Fatigue + Basic Pysical Activities + Packdonkeys changes how you deal with encumbrance completely (thus I only very rarely use a Feather spell, in fact my guy doesn't have the spell and just carries a couple of the vanilla potions he's found during his travels along with a couple of scrolls from the same source).

Edited by Striker879
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I thought that might be the case


umm, I chose all the magic skills and marksman for major skills. my reasoning behind this is that i can control the leveling very easily, and i never use marksman. i'd have to say that leveling with the 5/5/5 system is tedious and not much fun and kind of takes the fun out of the game. i think its not the best system. instead of playing the game now i am just leveling and probably won't play the game until my skills are very high. as you know of course enemies level up with you.

what I have been trying to do, is level up mainly endurance +5 every time, and other 2 skills every time and not waste any points otherwise. of course you get speed points automatically easily at the start due to athletics/acrobatics. i lvl willpower also because i use restoration and destruction, of course you have to use restoration a the start really.

thing is, i like dungeon crawling using sneak (sneaking up on enemies), breaking into houses at night, stealing, lock picking, and using alchemy. you really need to use alchemy to make money also i have found. so what i have been trying to do is alternate between stealth/stealing, intelligence, or combat every level.

anyways, its really easy to level once you figure out the system, of course you could just look up how it works on the internet, but i did not do that, played thru a bunch of the game with another char and then started over once i figured out how everything in the game works, i often do that type of things in games.

you really have to save alot when leveling in this fashion always save before your 10th major skill up and then again before you rest in case you miscounted your skill ups, and counting them is kind of annoying too.

it appears i have to sacrifice speed to lvl up other attributes especially at the start and i am trying not to waste points so right now i am trying not to run far before leveling hence attacking livestock.

alteration i have found is really easy to level up with simple starting shield spell.

i am waiting to use alchemy until a higher level, so currently i use restoration and get willpower, which seems to be vastly inferior to intelligence.


my strategy at this point is the best thing to at the start is to get the old nag armored free, get cure disease spell, and then go get brother martin, and then i will finish all side quests with his help, he is a great follower

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I seem to recall reading that if Martin and your character get separated you should look for him in the city closest to where you last saw him. You could also try fast traveling and see if that gets him back with you (a method that works well if you lose track of your last ridden horse too). As always, make a save immediately before trying something so you have a fall back position (and never overwrite your saves ... always save in a new slot).


I went through all the same things learning the leveling system (except in my case I also read up about it quite a bit at the UESP Wiki). It was a matter of finding what skills to put as majors that also allowed me to play without constantly worrying about skill points and leveling (and that will differ for each individual, according to how you play and what fighting style you prefer).


I tend to be more mage than fighter after I've managed to get my Intelligence and Willpower to higher levels, but that's OK because early on I want to get my Strength and Endurance maxed anyway. So at the start I level Strength and Endurance skills that aren't majors (which is why Hand to Hand and Armorer are majors ... skills I can use when I want to and avoid without feeling I'm handicapped in any way) and initially Speed. I find the starting speed that your character runs way too slow, but I don't like my Speed to get much above the 60 to 65 range (my guy feels like some kind of jitterbug when his Speed gets too high ... I'll use the console to nerf it back down once it gets too high for my liking).


After Speed gets to 55 I alternate between Intelligence skills and Willpower skills while still working Strength and Endurance to 100. Then it's Intelligence, Willpower and Agility until Intelligence and Willpower hit 100. I work Agility, Personality and Luck until Agility is maxed and only then do I start working Speed up as slowly as possible. I used the free armored nag as well (only free horse available to my guy without starting the Main Quest ... for my current character I'm using an alternate start mod and haven't even initiated the Main Quest yet). I also use Enhanced Economy and Basic Primary Needs, so it's a struggle just to keep my guy fed and find him a spot to sleep early in the game.


I tend to play characters for well over 1000 hours so I'm not in any great hurry to level. Other people would rather get their character's level maxed as quickly as possible. The key is to find what works well for you, and when you find something you'd like to change look for a mod to help do that.


- Edit - Another spot to check for Martin is the Tiber Septim Hotel in the Imperial City ... it's the game's "safe spot" where it defaults to when it can't figure out where to put something (which is why you'll sometimes run into some weird stuff when you walk in it's door).

Edited by Striker879
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