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Oblivion Mods: Common Questions and Problems

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On question 4, I am attempting to mod my game, but I do not know how to apply the correct texture. Some halp would be great. It makes me feel stupid though. This is both related to my other issue, and something tha would be handy to know

Edited by thebestdamncourier
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I would just like to kniw if its more likely something I did, or a coding problem.


Where did you pick the dwemer sphere mesh? Was it a modder's resource?


There's more than textures needed to make a mesh usable in-game. You should provide more information (and perhaps create a separate thread for this issue so we can keep an eye on it more easily).




I picked it up from a dwemer ruin mod. It was called Vorhuzduc, its here on nexus.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a question if i can pls dont burn me down.

I have instaled a HGEC body and using lovers with PK everythin worked well but i had to formate my pc so i did a copy of my data folder formated pc and then instaled again and copy back the data files with mods reconfigurated and it works but i have problem with woman/woman action that the woman which should have dick has only a broken textures in the lover body is only somethin directin into distance if you cant understand i ll try make a pic.Every other mods runnin okay but this texture problem is a bit awkward cos it didnt happened before. My woman had a normal dick for lover body texture if you know what i mean.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having a problem no one else seems to be having and I feel completely stupid because of it, but I'm at wits end. I've got two mods that are .7z files, but both 7zip and winRAR say that they can't be opened as archives. I did this with a previous mod to re-compress it in a zipped folder which let me install it, and it works fine. One of the two is even a mod I had previously installed, Animated Window Lighting System with chimneys. But I had gotten rid of it, thinking it was somehow the reason my game was crashing (realized it wasn't :P) and tried uninstalling it with Nexus, which I used to install it to begin with. I think either I deleted it from Nexus before it fully uninstalled or it completely messed up my Oblivion, because all windows in-game are now holes to the void of Sithis and all chimneys are billowing purple squares into the air, polluting Cyrodiil with their presence.

If anyone knows how to fix my problems, please help. These are the only files I've ever had trouble with. I've even had some 7z files work without having to do anything to them, it's just these are coming out weird. I've even tried downloading them different times to see if the result was different. I feel like I'm slowly turning into Sheogorath. :s

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I'm trying to use the Ramuska Fantasy Store Mod. I installed it by Copying the Data then Pasting in the Oblivion Data folder. I checked the box then started Oblivion. I went to Dragon Claw Rock and only found the Apple Temple. The store is not showing up on my screen. I can see it on my map but not on my screen. I entered the Apple Temple and killed everything and got the two Katanas. After that I went outside and still nothing. I looked around the area and found a door leading to the Store. I entered it and it crashed the game. Can someone please help me??
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  • 5 months later...

wow should have seen this before I posted my own problem well, I have major problem using OBSE. I am using 2 different mod managers ( downloading the exact same mods into both) but when I run OBSE not even shivering isles or night of the nien are in the game, aka it doesn't even run official mods just the base game HELP ME PLZ. if you need more info I will have a link to my original post, it has a tad bit more info but not much all I can say is im using windows 8 and the anthology oblivion ( its just a GOTY I belive but with all the 9 add ons)


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  • 2 months later...

Q:How do I install mods?

A:Well, it's always difficult the first time. I would recommend reading the Planet Elder Scrolls tutorial for installing Oblivion mods. Some mods require Oblivion Mod Manager. The mods you're trying to install with Oblivion Mod Manager will give you instructions too--or they should do, anyway.


I know you said your tired of hearing this question, but I'm asking it again anyway. I've looked at the read me file and all it says is


"Custom Playable Race Fix v1.0

by KyneTarse
This mod adds some extra, "catch-all" dialogue to the
prisoner at the beginning of the game. This dialogue
will trigger the beginning of the game for any non-
default race.
Version History:
1.0: Initial release"
So I'm going to spare you the question how, and instead ask WHERE do I install this mod. I've tried looking it up and tried everything I've found with no successes. I start a new game with a custom race and still no dialogue from the other prisoner. On the plus side I'm not stuck in the cell the same way everyone else seems to be, but I get that result with or without the mod.
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"Custom Playable Race Fix v1.0

by KyneTarse

So I'm going to spare you the question how, and instead ask WHERE do I install this mod. I've tried looking it up and tried everything I've found with no successes. I start a new game with a custom race and still no dialogue from the other prisoner. On the plus side I'm I'm not stuck in the cell the same way everyone else seems to be, but I get that result with or without the mod.



It's a simple esp file. You take it and place it inside your Data folder, that's all. Yes, do it manually.


However, if you were using the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (which I strongly reccomend) you wouldn't need any Custom Race Fix because the UOP fixes it.



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Konnor, it's not a matter of "trying", it's the way this mod must be installed: you take that esp and place it inside your Data folder, where all the esp files need to be, and then you activate it using your Mod Manager or the Data Files tab of Oblivion Launcher.


Besides not having the extra dialogue, does the Main Quest start for you?


And the Unofficial Oblivion Patch not working for you...


Are you under Steam or Retail Disc? if Retail Disc, which version number of your game appears in the lower left corner of the Main Menu?


I think it's not that this mod or the UOP are not working right, I suspect you haven't the game itself installed and patched properly.


Note: do not use Nexus Mod Manager for Oblivion. This game is too old and does not work with tools not designed specifically for it.



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