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ENB does not work with Windows 10 ?


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Is it true that enbs do not work with windows 10 ?


I've been trying to run the Rust ENB through the FNV4GB launcher and i've done all the necessary changes like move the d3d9.dll to the exes folder and add the command line to the shortcut, but nothing seems to work, do any of you run any enb on windows 10 ?


Any suggestions ?

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  • 9 months later...
I'm not able to run enb either in Windows 10. Here the thing I was able to but now I can't. Reinstalled windows 7.... Not working on 7 now. Totally at a loss of what's happened, rolled back nvidia drivers. Reinstalled directx, no overlay program s running? Absolutely puzzled.
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From your reply I understand that you have the "ENB Menu" appearing in the upper left corner of the FNV loading screen before you get to the Main Menu, and then can bring it up in game, correct? Then we need to examine how you installed ENB in detail.


Are you using ENBoost? This alone will cause the display of the ENB Menu.


Are you using a FNV4GB Loader such as 4GB Fallout New Vegas Updated or an LAA flag Patcher like FNV 4GB Patcher? If so, which one?


Which method are you using for ENB: wrapper or injection? Where do you have the D3D9.dll file located?


Have you only tried to change effects by way of the ENB Menu in game, or have you tried by editing the ENB INI files, and if so which ones?


What criteria in particular are you using to determine ENB is not working?



Edited by dubiousintent
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