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Textures problem.


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I've got a simply problem.
Some of textures are just pink or black somtimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. I'm not sure, but it must be some conflict with modifications.
And nope. I got a good PC. It can not be a low memory "thing".

Load order:

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
When Vampires Attack.esp
ELFX - Dawnguard.esp
SoS - The Wilds.esp
SoS - Civilization.esp
SoS - The Dungeons.esp
ELFX - Dragonborn.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
Better Vampires.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
Quick Start - Skip the Opening Sequence.esp
JaySuS Swords PL.esp
SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp
dD-Reduced Wound Size.esp
SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp

There are a little bit of translation mods too.
I had other mods, but I've deleted them. Maybe some modifications are still in saves? I dunno, but I made sure before playing at all.
When I deselected Official Textures DLCs from Bethesda it worked for a while or for some textures.

I'm foreign. Sorry for my English if I've made a mistake somewhere

I reeeeaaaly need help. Please, it's kinda annoying now.
Edited by xAdiPL
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There are two options for this:

- You are running out of VRAM, and your computer is not loading textures to compensate. If this is the case, when you save, quit, and then reload the game, the same texture will not be purple, or a different texture will be purple. Here are some ideas for reducing VRAM usage.

- This is a missing texture. This can be caused if the texture is missing entirely (which can be fixed by verifying local cache in steam, if it is a vanilla object), *or* if the nif (mesh) points to a texture that doesn't exist (for example, the nif defines the texture as existing in textures\clutter\insanitysorrow\sofa, but that folder doesn't exist and the mod author moved the texture into textures\clutter\sofas). Follow these steps: How to find the mesh for an object, and see what texture it uses. Once you've determined all the mods involved, uninstall those mods and see if it fixes it (if it doesn't, verify local cache in steam). Then reinstall the mods and see if *that* fixes it. If reinstalling doesn't fix it, hide the offending meshes from the mods so that it reverts to the vanilla (non-broken) state, *or* if it is a mod-added mesh (doesn't exist in vanilla) uninstall the mod or fix it yourself. Either way report the issue to the mod author so they can fix it.

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Oh God. Thank you for response!

I was thinking about it. I think it's first option, but I don't know if it's possible.
I've got 4GBs of VRAM and I'm running out of it? That's weird to me ;-;

As for the second option... I tried reinstalling skyrim and checking it after installing any mod, so I must not be it, but I wasn't sure earlier

Once time I overwrited graphic mods because I saw this pink textures. When I did it I thought it's done, but I think now that restarting game helped me. (Of course I was thinking that overwriting files helped me tho)

So... I'll try deleting/disabling some mods and I will write if it worked.

Big thanks for your help!

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Define "good PC".

If some object in your game is constantly purple, then its missing texture. If objects are sometimes purple or black and after game restart they are back normal, it hints somekind memory related problems. Your mod list is fairly short, but how many texture mods are you using and what quality? What Skyrim Performance Monitor is showing? Do you have any kind artifacting/glitching in any other game?

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Welp, here you are:
Processor Intel i7-4790 (4 x 3.6GHz, 8MB Cache)
RAM 16 GB (DDR3 1600 MHz)
Graphcis Card GeForce GTX 980


Just say if you need more information

I always used the highest quality that was available. I thought my PC will make it.

I'll check it today for sure

Nope. Only Skyrim has this issue.


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So if you use highest textures possible, I take you're using fair a bit 4k versions. Your PC could handle it, true. But do you help Skyrim out, so it can benefit your nice PC properly? So what kind memory usage Skyrim Performance Monitor is showing? Do you use enboost and skse memory patch?

But again, if you have just certain things purple all the time, its just missing texture problem and might be somekind installed mesh and texture mods conflict.

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It's a background process monitoring your game, not something what should give you in-game overlays or menus. And as it's running on its own window, you can see it real time on second monitor (if you have more than one) or just check it after playing a while.

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Okey, so I'll play a while and I will tell you if it does work
But I think it really don't work. It's supposed to give me information about my PC in one from corners isn't it?

Edit: The problem is that SPM can not detect Skyrim. It tried to detect Skyrim, but it shows "Waiting for TESV"
I have checked troubleshooting, but all seems to be alright.
If Main Program File Path is good then I think it only can be Launcher File Path?
When I was reading I saw a lot about mod organizer. Is it important to have it?
I've got only NMM and sorting programs like LOOT.

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