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How Can I Add New Weapons Without Replacing Originals?

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I created a mod a while back that added Tesla Style weaponry into the command list. For some reason they are replacing the original weapons I modded them from... I added new record and still the old weapons do not appear! Do I need to start a new save or something? It should work since they all now have their own edit ID.

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If you want to add modifications to just your weapon while in the crafting menu, then you need to create an exclusive keyword and share it between each of your weapon's OMOD's LNAM - Unknown subrecords and your weapon record's list of keywords under KWDA - Keywords. The naming convention for the keyword is 'ma_<your weapon's editor id>.'


I don't know what 'command list' means in this context, though. This is just a guess.


New weapons can be introduced into the game's leveled lists without affecting existing weapons or other weapons leveled lists.

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