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Recruiting modders!!!

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Hi everyone,


Finally a place that will allow me to remove the "asking for help" on the mod page (thus to avoid, I don't know about modding but I have good ideas trolling) http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif.


In order to complete my project in due time, I need the help for several things:


If you know your way around the CS (well you should if you're here) I need "decorator", people that will place objects in cells and exteriors to make it less bare. It looks like an ungrateful job but it could be very satisfying. I can ease the pain by creating clusters of objects for fast decoration.


Dungeon builder: If you do have a nice one or two, or want to create some, please help me!


Topics/Dialogs creators: Adding some chatty-chat and random topics so the game feels less void.


Lod specialist: Enter77 and I never made any so if you know your way around, we can use some help.


Texture maker: Although I think I'm not bad at it, time is short so please, share your talent!


Voilà, feel free to PM me or mail me at [email protected].


ps: I will not train or explain, I can help but I burned my wings training people in the past and received hardly anything in return.

pps: We can trade, I can offer services against yours http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif




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I don't know how to create dungeons, dialogs or LODs but I really have some good ideas...but not for your mod. :P Sorry, I just had to. ;D


I wish I could help but I too have a long list of mods I need to complete before Skyrim releases. I am determined to finish Vvardenfell Glass. Actually, most on my list won't make it and depending on how nice modding for Skyrim is, they may never see the light of day in Oblivion...might get released in Skyrim instead. (Marvel comics outfits, Necromonger armor, Jango Fett, Spartan 300, LotR goodies, etc.)


Good luck with your recruiting. I know a lot of modders are stepping it up to get their Oblivion WIP's finished.



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I don't know how to create dungeons, dialogs or LODs but I really have some good ideas...but not for your mod. :P Sorry, I just had to. ;D


I wish I could help but I too have a long list of mods I need to complete before Skyrim releases. I am determined to finish Vvardenfell Glass. Actually, most on my list won't make it and depending on how nice modding for Skyrim is, they may never see the light of day in Oblivion...might get released in Skyrim instead. (Marvel comics outfits, Necromonger armor, Jango Fett, Spartan 300, LotR goodies, etc.)


Good luck with your recruiting. I know a lot of modders are stepping it up to get their Oblivion WIP's finished.




Thanks LHammonds!

Actually this post made one fellow modder join the team, that is, already more than enough to justify it. I just wish I started CLS in 2007, we'll probably be around 5 GB of contents right now :biggrin: ... Anyway, don't be shy people, I need everyone that can spare an hour or two. Also if you're new to modding but are willing to learn the CS, it's a good opportunity.



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What is the project itself you working on?


I could help in general areas like interiors, dungeons, NPCs and such, my dialogue skills are basic but I can create a basic companion, if that is anything.

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I was wondering what in the heck CLS is as well. Acronyms oft elude me.



Edit: Nevermind I looked at your signature and feel dumber than usual now.

Edited by mojodajojo
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Hi everyone,


@SomeWelshGuy, I PMed you.

@DrakenGuard: I tried to PM you, you can't receive message so mail me at [email protected] if your offer still stands http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png.

@MojoDaJojo: Don't worry, it happens all the times so for everyone: the project I'm talking about is Claudia's little secret Chapter3 (final) check signature for links.

@AlonsoMartinez: I suppose the comment was not meant to be demeaninghttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/angry.gif...


For everyone, Claudia's little secret is a quest with adult features yes. As I say in my manual, had I know the reception of any tits displayed in Oblivion I would have chosen normal quest and adult plugins but it's too late now.


So don't let that fool you, CLS is quest number1 and will probably stay in this position. It'll also be the most downloaded one in no time, even compared to its 4 years older brothers in the quest section.


That is because the story is unique and believe or not sort of Lore friendly although I didn't tagged that. I will pass the usual new meshes, textures etc to concentrate on two things: The Cut scene concept that Oblivion lacks was more or less implemented here and the thousands of line of codes for scripting.


But see for yourself...

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