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Thanks. I just downloaded Campsite and Illuminated Billboards. Going to venture out into the concrete jungle.


I could set up camp with the raiders in the infield, but that's to do later. Seeing them will make me want to work.


Good catch on Treasure Hunt. Added to list of things to check.


For now, off to start a campfire.

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Switching gears now to GECK planning. I made a list of traveling, non-assignable NPCs who would visit the racetrack. Emphasis is on tech types, roamers who want entertainment, and people attracted to the gambling/swap meet element.


The initial list focuses on existing NPCs who the player would expect to see there. If meeting for the first time, NPC would mark new area on map (ex: Duke, Atom Cats).


Updating this from an issues thread to a wishlist discussion. Now is your chance to be heard. Thoughts? Additions?


Friendly Easy City Downs random visitors:




Tinker Tom




Stash & Lexa


I've met most of these, the rest are from Nukapedia list of merchants.


Ideas for new NPCs are welcome too.

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Thanks for the heads up on the beta.


Kat is a good one. Not sure how I overlooked her, since she is in my Choice Chopped mod.


I would love to have followers at the racetrack. My goal for them is this:


- Player downloads Friendly Easy City Downs mod

- Player downloads optional blank slate racetrack file (after Geck)

- Player somehow drops a workbench, makes track a robot racing settlement

- Player dismisses followers to Easy City Downs

- Followers would have custom track interactions/navmesh


I would also love to turn the reserve racer shed into a Radio Shack with a mechanic NPC. (Who would revive dead bots and sell tools, circuits, etc.) Maybe also teach player Robotics Expert, Hacking, Science perks for a fee.

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I'm trying desperately to get my Easy City Downs settlement mod that currently only works for robots to work for human settlers and be recognized as a full settlement. When it does I'll release a version to be compatible, and in fact complement, ThoraldGm's mod here.

I got really sidetracked because, for now, adding settlers is so frustrating because I just can't seem to get it to work.
So, in the mean time I tried adding NPC's as default settlers and it sort of worked, a little.

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