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CK dropping in April


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Old friends: Sure, but think: Would the wastes be spared of radiation?

Realistically: survivability out there: 0, since no shelter, and water/food.

Point was: if you put 30 man in a vault the size of a lockbox, NO one will ever emerge.

We simple cannot live together, ESPECIALLY not locked up, being forced to see the same faces day in/day out for 10 years.

Not speaking of 200 here....

These folks are not heavily trained and tested astronauts, right?

They can live together for a wee, but it won't be the first that began to doubt his own mind, up there...

One even said, a Russian, that he got so down at a point, that he wanted to just blow the hatch...

Or so the story goes, but it does make one think.


Large places: well not quite, there are quite a few large places, that when cleared and cleaned, might become decent housing.

About cleaning: are the only ones that have somewhat a brain, those in V81, or the Institute (not that I ever got there, but pictures online say quite a bit)?

People should now that hygiene is a must, especially in those conditions? XD





And you know in terms of how many seem involved in the modding community versus the FO4 gross sales, the community is pretty small. I am surprised there is not a huge coalition of modders playing together to rival a DLC release from the production crew.


There is no GECK and it really hard to mod right now for new comers and old dogs.


AND: not everyone sees things in the same way.
I tried to 'resurrect' the Dwemer, by the logic, that if 3 Dwemer could survive the curse (one being a Ghost, but STILL a Dwemer) others might as well.
Dwemer always had this strange, attractive pull on people, just look at some Dwemer based mods.
But nope, could not get it running...

Tried for a long wee, though...



Dwemer is really funny! Elmer Fudd must be ejaculating in his pants over that one!


EDIT: Kinda folks I like to work with sometimes have a seething kinda humor.

Edited by OlrunZaal
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Dwemer is really funny! Elmer Fudd must be ejaculating in his pants over that one!


Since Cambragol's V24 never really took of, I thought that mod to become the base of the Dwemer Mod, with in it like 100 Dwemer NPC's, main quest line, side quests, a total revamp of the V24 mod into Dwemerish bunker with traps, you name it.


An Admin here told me to go solo on this project, go figure????

A project like that on my frikken own?

That takes decennia!!!!

Not to mention, I am not that good a modder.



People should now that hygiene is a must, especially in those conditions?


Pre-war knowledge is pretty much wiped out.


Here is a fun fact, hygiene and health connection discovery was a coincidence.


Hol' on a wee second there: people still live right?

Think that back in our ape days we used computers to store knowledge?

We sang knowledge to our kids, much like even now the Australian Aboriginals do.

Than we began to paint on walls.

Later written language came into existence.


As long as ONE person lives, basic knowledge will survive, and this includes hygienic knowledge.

Edited by Klipperken
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Dwemer is really funny! Elmer Fudd must be ejaculating in his pants over that one!


Since Cambragol's V24 never really took of, I thought that mod to become the base of the Dwemer Mod, with in it like 100 Dwemer NPC's, main quest line, side quests, a total revamp of the V24 mod into Dwemerish bunker with traps, you name it.


An Admin here told me to go solo on this project, go figure????

A project like that on my frikken own?

That takes decennia!!!!

Not to mention, I am not that good a modder.



People should now that hygiene is a must, especially in those conditions?


Pre-war knowledge is pretty much wiped out.


Here is a fun fact, hygiene and health connection discovery was a coincidence.


Hol' on a wee second there: people still live right?

Think that back in our ape days we used computers to store knowledge?

We sang knowledge to our kids, much like even now the Australian Aboriginals do.

Than we began to paint on walls.

Later written language came into existence.


As long as ONE person lives, basic knowledge will survive, and this includes hygienic knowledge.


I can and will go some of the journey alone... I have my own mod cobbling together from bits and pieces of others' assets. I will release a custom asset mod and go from there, Nif original assets for a building and power armor mod is what yall will get from my solo endeavor. I need a little something else by my name to get a couple of invites I do not originate in this FO4 setting.

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My retired father loves the power armor. Looks like we need a weapon mod for the PA system with the mesh based on the power fist thing, except we have an (edit for "an") appendage weapon system in its place. For builders, we need to see the start of a swamp mod building system... think about Rad Bradbury writing for nuke war post-life... John Carter mixed with Tarzan... maybe we will see tree people modules mixed with apes swinging on rope bridges, et al... Focus on the rope modular building (edit - custom animations are way beyond me atm)...

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Umm, for ideas in that regard: Dark Trooper phase 3.
Note, for ideas.
Has a multi-barrel cannon equiped, much like a power fist.

One could easily use the holding base and add whatever to it.

Or heck, ignore that entirely, make it fixed on the arm, even.




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And that would be working al-one (play on my real name)... Just what I was thinking... mods for single barrel to tri-barrel "cannon" with different effects. The "Dark Trooper" bit you can work with me on. I am just looking at the two areas for my first FO4 mod. Should be enough without doing too much...

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I so love to help you, sadly I am a graphical creational illiterate. :sad:

Not a clue on how to change .NIF, .DDS, ...

Being autistic (Asperger) with ADHD I just do no longer have the patience to learn it, either.


If I can help you in ways not evolving any graphic editing or so, hell yes, i am your man.

Just shout, I am around, lol.


Actually, there's already a cannon ingame that can lean itself for this, provided it gets rescaled.

Would make that silly thing useful after all. *grins*

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