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Question about OBMM and missing files


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I'm learning more about who to build this bash patch thing.


Correct me if I'm wrong (please!), but basically I run boss and everything it says to take I should tag.


My question is what is BASH:Delev and Relev? I don't see those on the list.


I also do not see BASH:Actors.ACBS, Actors.AIData, Actors.CombatStyle, Actors.Stats, C.Climate, C.Light, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, Creatures.Blood, Delev, Invent, NPC.Class.


Is either Actors.ACBS or the Actors.AIData just the Actors?


And are the rest bash tags from previous versions? I think the Invent is Inventory. Are there others that stand for something else?


Here's another: "Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH:Body-M, Body-F, R.Relations}}" I see an Import Relations. Is that the same as the R.Relations?

Edited by gamenode
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BOSS automagically applies the tags to mods. At least, that's my understanding.....


So what am I supposed to do? Just press "rebuild patch" and then click the things that this links says to: link and that's it?


I don't have to click anything in the sub menus that come up? I notice many of them aren't already clicked but BOSS has them listed as tags.

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The first time I used bash patch, I only imported and merged plugins. I later went thru and experimented with tweaks and settings. Delev and relev means that it is allowed to both delevel and relevel leveled lists. Leave it auto, or don't tick them. If Wrye says to untick a plugin that is green in your list, do so as the plugin has only edits directly to oblivion and nothing is new in the plugin. Yes, HeyYou is right, those are the tags that BOSS reads and logs. Wrye uses the tags to know how to deal with edits in the plugins. It is really pretty simple, just don't over-do your tweaking or over think your goal. The bottom left of Wrye Bash is a row of icons. The more Oblivion utilities and tools installed in Oblivion directory the more icons will be there. There is a HTML help linked to the ? icon, that is where you should read for info on how to use. Good luck. :)
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The first time I used bash patch, I only imported and merged plugins. I later went thru and experimented with tweaks and settings. Delev and relev means that it is allowed to both delevel and relevel leveled lists. Leave it auto, or don't tick them. If Wrye says to untick a plugin that is green in your list, do so as the plugin has only edits directly to oblivion and nothing is new in the plugin. Yes, HeyYou is right, those are the tags that BOSS reads and logs. Wrye uses the tags to know how to deal with edits in the plugins. It is really pretty simple, just don't over-do your tweaking or over think your goal. The bottom left of Wrye Bash is a row of icons. The more Oblivion utilities and tools installed in Oblivion directory the more icons will be there. There is a HTML help linked to the ? icon, that is where you should read for info on how to use. Good luck. :)


OK. I rebuilt the patch and it seems to work much better. I just ticked the things that link said to and I deselected everything else. I apparently was trying to make it harder than it is.


But now I have another question. I want to install Unholy Darkness Mod and there are a bunch of files that match the Cosmetic Compilation and have the same CRC's. But there are a few files that are a mismatch.


How many mismatched files can I overwrite without breaking anything? Or is it something I just have to experiment with?

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