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A crack of the WIP


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My current mod will evidently involve travelling to Windhelm.....or so the story board goes (not written by me)


So I have meshed a building and bits and just textured it. What you think?






Still playing about with it.


PS ignore the background this is an internal cell with a quick ground/ hill mesh

Edited by RubberMan01
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Yes it would lol but I didn't notice this until I had already taken the screen shot!


They are WIP so I would be re-texturing them anyway (especially the roof)


I want lumps of snow on top of the logs as well. Something else I forgot lol

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The windows are just Nord windows from BM so yes they are. I haven't meshed a new window for these buildings yet (or doors) so I just threw on the Nord ones for now.


I don't need Winterhold for a while yet for the mod so they will be taking a back seat until I get there.


Reams of dialogue to sort out at the moment lol


Did a huge quest line with shoot off quests... regretting it now haha

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