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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.
djrxmx wrote: Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.

phion n co:thatll be why you are in a fallout forum,trolling your tiny little minds out.bet it makes you damp eh?.pmsl,,theres some sad humans on this planet,

go back to hiding behind your hacks in the online games.
yes i know thats what you do ;)
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In response to post #35130890.




bben46 wrote:

Please take your political comments to the proper forum. This is NOT! a political topic. If you want to post political BS please take it to off topic forum. Politics is NOT a proper game subject and that makes it off topic. I suggest the debates section. I will be removing any political comments when I find them.

You want to keep the forum clean and organized and that's understandable. That doesn't make political comments here a form of "BS", though. It just makes them misplaced comments. :\


Yes, and as misplaced comments they are off topic and don't belong. We do have a place for this kind of content. But allowing people to post whatever they want wherever they want leads to chaos. There was no penalty for doing this, no strikes or warnings. The misplaced comments were just removed. And IMO, any political commenting is mostly BS. So no offense intended to anyone who was butthurt by having their carefully crafted and extremely logical political commentary based on what they already believed or saw on some TV 'news' called BS.

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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895, #35149050 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.
djrxmx wrote: Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.
777777777 wrote: phion n co:thatll be why you are in a fallout forum,trolling your tiny little minds out.bet it makes you damp eh?.pmsl,,theres some sad humans on this planet,

go back to hiding behind your hacks in the online games.
yes i know thats what you do ;)

I bought Fallout 4 because I have enjoyed all of Fallout even the line jumping game where you switch between Deathclaw and Human. As for the value of the game the thing to look at is the playable story element. If you are just looking at the playability of it then you might as well just play an online FtP FPS because that is what you are looking for.
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In response to post #35057035.

OriginOFPain wrote: I feel like buying the season pass now to save $20, but I know I'll get disappointed again like I was with the base game. I'll probably wait a few years when everything is cheap and good mods have fully developed. This whole "Season Pass" nonsense has to end, or I'll have to find cheaper ways to entertain myself outside of video games.

I got the game and season pass for $50. And im really satisfied with the game, iv spent 170 h in game and i havent even found half the locations because of how much time i spend building or just searching for small hiden quests! Right now i cant wait for the robot dlc just so i can build my terminator and make Valentine fight it.
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Such bitterness over not getting the CK yet. Has anyone considered they don't HAVE to release a modding tool? They're doing so and doing it for no additional cost. Bethesda could have charged a small fee for it but they're not. I'm not saying we need to worship them for it but I would suggest keeping this in mind. In any rate the delay on releasing the CK hasn't really slowed down modding. We've got fantastic users making tools like FO4Edit, NifSkope, BA2 extractors, and F4SE to name a few already and some mods are even using scripting now. All of this achieved without an official modding tool.
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In response to post #35151535.

bben46 wrote:


In response to post #35130890.

bben46 wrote:

Please take your political comments to the proper forum. This is NOT! a political topic. If you want to post political BS please take it to off topic forum. Politics is NOT a proper game subject and that makes it off topic. I suggest the debates section. I will be removing any political comments when I find them.

You want to keep the forum clean and organized and that's understandable. That doesn't make political comments here a form of "BS", though. It just makes them misplaced comments. :\


Yes, and as misplaced comments they are off topic and don't belong. We do have a place for this kind of content. But allowing people to post whatever they want wherever they want leads to chaos. There was no penalty for doing this, no strikes or warnings. The misplaced comments were just removed. And IMO, any political commenting is mostly BS. So no offense intended to anyone who was butthurt by having their carefully crafted and extremely logical political commentary based on what they already believed or saw on some TV 'news' called BS.

I never said you shouldn't remove them. I just said they're not BS.
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Just my two cents on the matter, but it seems that if one were to look at history, we are getting a DLC a bit early by comparison and the GECK right on time. That is if memory serves me right. Either way, I bought this game, have thoroughly enjoyed my slightly bugged playthroughs, and have shilled out for Season pass. 200+ hours of playtime at $80 bucks spent... roughly $0.40 an hour? Go to a theater and pay for a Micheal Bay film and you get roughly $7.00 per hour? Modding just makes me come back and play it again... and again... just differently. Edited by mekanitz
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In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895, #35149050, #35151825 are all replies on the same post.

Phion wrote: Nobody bought Fallout 4 for Fallout 4. They buy these shitty games because of the modding community to turn a turd into amazing rainbows. Delaying it so much is just stupid. 0 story, 0 RPG value, 0 replay value (besides the same grind-quests that make no sense), thoughtless perk system. 0/10
killer005 wrote: Man, that´s your case, I bought F4 and I did not want to instal any mod before i finish the main quest. And you know what? For me, the best game in loong time. Yeah, have some bugs, and little things, but the game is fking art, the world, the characters, everything!
Alkohol wrote: I agree with the OP. Bethesda games are unplayable unmodded.
Muffindog wrote: Unplayable? .. wow you guys are ungrateful, little, spoiled brats.
Edg3k wrote: I played the entire game through once unmodded, some textures added but other then that unmodded, then again, twice modded. Base game still stands. Just nice to have the extras. I buy the games not for the mods but for the game, then the mods add to it long after Bethesdas moved on. Skyrim the same. Fallout 4 isnt there best, has some great ideas, but no where near as immersive as the older games. Still love it and looking forward to seeing what the modders more so then the DLC bring to the game.
OriginOFPain wrote: Muffindog, paying $60 dollars for a game and expecting $60 worth of content is NOT being a spoiled brat. Bethesda executives are the ones who are ungrateful for the business we choose to conduct with them.
xJadeWolfx wrote: I have no idea how you didn't get $60 worth of content. *Every* location has a story to tell just like Skyrim did. And that's not even including the story of the main questline. Grind quests are also nothing new. They did them in Skyrim, which was also a great game on it's own, again because every. single. location had a story to tell.
consummate707 wrote: I need to know, how do you quantify $60 of content? this is the most idiotic thing i've ever read on this site. you got a world that you couldn't make your life depended on it, a base for all the mods think you need, and a ton of quests and story on top of all that. you are an ungrateful turd, and If I were allowed id say much worse.
I'm not a big fan of the main quest line, but its still leaps and bounds better then what you're capable of.
djrxmx wrote: Love it. Ungrateful little spoiled brats. Well said. I reflected on this a while back, about three or so weeks after launch. Yes, it is a buggy, steaming pile of need-to-be-patched AND modded. But to say it's not worth 60 dollars is sheer stupidity. The work Bethesda put into creating such an epic playpen world is substantially remarkable. This is the best Bethesda 3D world to date, with an almost unbelievable amount of exploring to embark on--that vanilla nugget alone is worth the price of admission. How much content is in this rendition of Boston is staggering. If you are too blind to see that, I suggest you get a gaming reality check.
777777777 wrote: phion n co:thatll be why you are in a fallout forum,trolling your tiny little minds out.bet it makes you damp eh?.pmsl,,theres some sad humans on this planet,

go back to hiding behind your hacks in the online games.
yes i know thats what you do ;)
ADragonthorn wrote: I bought Fallout 4 because I have enjoyed all of Fallout even the line jumping game where you switch between Deathclaw and Human. As for the value of the game the thing to look at is the playable story element. If you are just looking at the playability of it then you might as well just play an online FtP FPS because that is what you are looking for.

I feel like the content is there, but I'm so bored by the dialogue, the awful story setup, and the awful ending that I find myself feeling like it isn't actually there at all. The ending cutscene just left me with an "oh, it's over?" reaction the first time and the second time I just left the room to grab a slice of pizza. I honestly liked Fallout 3's story better than this.

I still don't understand why everyone and their grandma just wants to blow up a place that grows clean pre-war vegetables and battle apes, you could just shut the synth production facility off and be done with it.

The questionable morality of the creation of synths, the purpose of synth life beyond utility, and the questionable ethics of the railroad wanting to prevent further synth life being created... None of that really gets explored much or at all. It's a shame they kill G7-81 off because I really wanted to see how her character would handle the freedom of her "people" after the destruction of the institute. It feels like a seriously missed opportunity. Also let's not forget the missing reformation of the Brotherhood quest.

The game just feels really shallow to me. I was honestly more excited about the Ranger armor being released than I was for the game itself... And yet I bought the game twice and also bought the DLC. I still have a lot of love for the universe and what people outside of bethesda can do with it, and yeah Nick valentine IS the best part about the game, so having a DLC devoted to his detective agency is probably the best move they could make to appeal to me. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck.

I have a very love/hate relationship with this franchise. Edited by Guest
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In response to post #35167160.

shnumber7 wrote: So Just as I thought. The new update has broken my game again! YAY another full week of attempting to get it back and working

Good luck im still messing with it to get it fixed, let me know if you get yours fixed
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