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Meshes hovering or floating in the air in Geck

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Ive seen as similar issue posted a while back, and sorry if im being redundant in that matter. I couldnt find the old thread. basically, I made a custom mesh in 3dsmax. everything looks fine. its actually the bottom half of one outfit and the top half of another pushed together. The skeleton is present and exported with the mesh. when i load the mesh in geck however the mesh appears floating around above the view window. if i zoom in and out or adjust the camera, it may disappear from view all together. i can find it again by moving the camera around, but is always hovering in the air, and always horizontal and not grounded feet first as it is supposed to be. im guessing this is a quick fix, but i couldn't find any relevant info. so im asking. any help would be appreciated. its a super cool armor and id like to upload, it took a long time to make just right and i dont want to revert back and try again.


programs used:

3ds max 8


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Ive seen as similar issue posted a while back, and sorry if im being redundant in that matter. I couldnt find the old thread. basically, I made a custom mesh in 3dsmax. everything looks fine. its actually the bottom half of one outfit and the top half of another pushed together. The skeleton is present and exported with the mesh. when i load the mesh in geck however the mesh appears floating around above the view window. if i zoom in and out or adjust the camera, it may disappear from view all together. i can find it again by moving the camera around, but is always hovering in the air, and always horizontal and not grounded feet first as it is supposed to be. im guessing this is a quick fix, but i couldn't find any relevant info. so im asking. any help would be appreciated. its a super cool armor and id like to upload, it took a long time to make just right and i dont want to revert back and try again.


programs used:

3ds max 8


Try going into the mesh objects BSShaderPPLightingProperty..(or what ever it is) in it's block details untick the shader flag SF_Shadow_Frustum. do this for every mesh object tin the nif. pretty much always standard procedure for everything you export of of max...its one of the few things that you need to do post export to nifs to get them to work out of max.


The max exporter by default will enable this flag at export... amongst a few other shader flags. But for outfits you want those other ones, particularly the SF_Shadow_map, which enable the shadow casting shader, outfits will CTD if that one isn't ticked, as all characters are hardcoded to cast shadows and it'll freak out the renderer..


SF_shadow_frustum I am guessing is a particle shader of sorts. :unsure: 'View frustum' in video game programming is the basically the cameras view cone...basically whatever is appearing on screen is inside the view frustum. the shadow frutum may refer to a culling feaure..?


Anyway iirc in practice on rigged meshes it makes the object flatten out and warp around in some weird way.

Edited by Ghogiel
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