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How about a new driveable vehicle mod?


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Has anyone ever tried or know anyone who has been trying to make a functioning driveable four-wheeled vehicle? Something along the lines of the Advanced J3X Motorcycle or the hover chair or hoverboard mods, but in a jeep or truck? Probably best to be something open-topped.


Some say it isn't possible given the game mechanics...the road and wheels interacting, but since it's the future - what about a hover car, open top hover jeep - anti-grav perhaps? It is Vegas, so a convertible works - something to cruise in down to Primm on a Sunday afternoon, with a few companions, of course. With a big trunk for all the caps and loot.


Bringing companions along is the aim - don't like to use Fast Travel much. Some of the ideas I have thought about;


[ ] Dune buggy or Jeep - a two seater, could be done with either one sitting in front and one directly behind - like a thin vehicle seen in Mad Max movies, so acting more like the "Advanced J3X Motorcycle" mod by invalidfate (and others, with original from FO3 by VeliV), or a normal one where two people just sit side by side. With or without the "Double Carry Token" he uses. Any other companions could be given their own vehicle to follow along with the "Ride Companion Token's" as used in that mod.


[ ] Larger truck or jeep with more seats - a working Humvee would be awesome - have seen a couple of examples - "Red Rock Ranch" mod by northfield most recently in game - an excellent one parked by the ranch house with see through windows and gun mount on top. Or an open topped Land Rover - for the Brits out there - like the original SAS in WW2 Africa.


[ ] Anti-Grav or Hover Car/truck - probably easiest to do - a bigger better looking hover chair and not necessarily a flying car, but something that stays close to the ground. And if no wheels to avoid interacting-with-the-ground problems.


Interested to know any thoughts or other ideas on the subject. It does take place in America after all, and if there are robots and vertibirds and reconditioned WW2 planes - well, no one likes to walk everywhere if they don't have to, right?



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i agree completely with you on all of the above i would download the first available one that i seen just to test it out and give feedback. i downloaded a drivable car mod for fallout3 a year or so back that used one of the junk cars as clothing so you just walked around in a car suit that made you run a little faster. it was horrible but atleast they tried and id love to see a drivable humvee or jeep or even a warthog from halo lol
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay - just in case anyone is still wondering the same as me...


I just saw video on youtube from FO3 of someone working on a driveable golf cart, and it looks like it could do the job - by gizmojunk. I don't know how to get to him or perhaps if someone knows where he's at with it, - should be easy enough to get it working as a small dunebuggy, perfect for the desert.


Keep up the good work, modders!

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I know that in F3 (I think) there was a guy that made a tank-type vehicle as deco.

He said in that he was trying to make an actual working version, not a clue if he succeeded.


Lemme go look and see what I find out.


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3981 A driveable "tank"

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14815 Fully worked out (but seemingly NOT drivable) Scorpion M808B Main Battle Tank.


Which makes me think that these are extremely hard to make (Indoor HUD, Drive Mechanics, ...).

Not to mention the Neural Interface... *grins*


PS: I said it would be extremely difficult, NOT impossible....

Hell, maybe even impossible.

Edited by Klipperken
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  • 2 years later...



This is the stuff muties!

theres bound to be a vehicle mod for transports as follows anytime soon, feel free to remove the boring "fast travel" its fast travel and not vehicles that destroys a game! Remember Tes 3 morrowind? siltstriders if any at cities but rest was good ol fashion walkabout / windform a bit later ofc :)

Even Daggerfall had an ugly horse. but it Had it. so why not NV!


some that would be fun to add Imo:








Hotair baloon



Antigravity Belt

MBC (Mobile base crawler :p)


Scout Transport




etc etc etc


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  • 5 months later...

and checked i have. there are some nice features out there, but sadly not enough.. :smile:

Look again, specifically at ArekkusuStorm's link for Ground Vehicles. XRE - CARS. You *will not* get a better vehicle mod....it is a gargantuan acomplishment by Ermeso. Unless the developers include vehicles in FO4 you won't see anything better for a long time, if ever.



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