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Dragon Age III confirmed and the Devs are hiring.


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http://www.gameinfor...now-hiring.aspx That is the site where I got the information. Tell me what you fellow modders think. I know some may ask where is the DLC for DA2 and why no SDk. Don't know. But hopefully DA3 will have both of those, a better story, more crpg-like, and better combat.
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Hopefully it will come out a year after next console change, don't want the PC to suffer from poor "What it could be" than It is awesome let us play it. We will have Skyrim to play so I shouldn't worry. Though for Skyrim I wish open-cities would be for PC, consoles couldn't handle it. They could do it. Still, I hope they get a new engine for DA3 instead of using the outdated one.
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Assuming that they'll make a new engine. I hope that they contiune going darker, DA2 story was more refreshing and better than Origins (if only some people would realised why). This is a step where they can break their mold of "chosen one saves the day". I also hope that we see Leliana with her new look :wub: , as Grand Cleric I demand it!


Also... Ahem! http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/383240-da3-on-the-works/ :whistling:

Edited by brokenergy
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I recently picked up Dragon Age 2 on a d2d sale for $29 US,(50% off) I hope the game is decent.


I'm enjoying the Witcher 2 currently and Dragon Age 2 is enjoying my backlog at the moment.


I hope it was worth it at 50% off, the reviews I have read haven't been favorable.

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