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RIP 4th Amendment..


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You really are totally delusional and you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about. blablablablablabla

Enoy your peasant live pal and the financial gangrape.


The British Monarchy has moved a very long way since 1776.

I think even George III wouldn't supported the Nazis. Or would he?


Your outdated Marxist revolutionary

You made my day. :D

If there is one think i hate more than feudalism' date=' its marxism. Because they are the same thing. And guess what? The Royals financed the communist revolution, they wrote the manifesto to bring there competition and "ally" russia down.

Yepp, better have the british as enemy, because they do you more damage as they are ally. BBC, nature of the empire. Bad breakfast and conquer. ;D

To bad if somebody does not know a crap about history, eh?


but you just look silly.

If somebody defines himself and his country and his culture with a bunch of inbreeding psychophats, thats not just silly, thats mad. Such a guy has lost it.


Yeah i'am a marxist. *rolleyes* And iam also the f***ing easterbunny too.


Personally I'd rather it was spent on a wedding that people up and down the country enjoyed rather than thrown into that black hole otherwise known as the E.U.

So maybee you guys should also celebrate the marriage of Kim Il-sung. His father got the power from his father' date=' who took over, and gave it to his son. Just put clownish crowns on their head and done is the monarchy. Maybee he would be invitet to the next marriage party.


I will give you one bit of free advice, if you want to see a looming tyranny then stop looking at European royalty at start looking towards Brussels.

Do you think i'am so stupid that i haven't this on my screen? Who do you think has the money and power to start such a project like the EUssr? Do you know that both, EU and Royals, have the same agenda? That both of them pushing carbon taxes. There are some cosmetical and tactical differences, but in the end of the day, they are the same bunch of looters. The damn Queen even supports the entry of turkey in the EU, she gives the talking points.

And guess what? This murderous old wagon, prince charles and these other B's get EU-agricultural subsidies for their privat farms. What is this? Year 1100 a.c.?



The US government is full of evil' date=' corrupted, greedy men and women who care nothing except for filling their wallets. Just sayin'.[/quote']

Thats the reason why there are 400 million guns in the US. So grab one, a gadsden flag and take a walk to the capitol hill.

Or even better. Do something like these guys.


So remember. If any law is violating the constitution or the bill of rights, its illegal. No one is forced to accept such a law or following it. And if the SA-Police goon squad say something different... well... there are some other reasonable amendments.



Edit: Just a bit trouble with the quoting function


Do you also do childrens parties and weddings?


@Ginny Just remember the words of Basil Fawlty. :thumbsup:

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Please keep the extreme anti-nationalistic, anti-government rhetoric out of this debate. Please keep the hostile and personally directed attacks out of this debate. If you cannot debate in a civil manner, and be bothered to do research beyond whatever hate groups you subscribe to, you will be asked to leave this community. This is a serious topic and dragging it through the muck with all this bulls*** propaganda only does more harm than good.
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See the trouble is, even though we have a constitution with clearly defined "rights", the court system can interpret those however they care to. The incident in the original post, that started this whole thing is just one example. Corporations are people too is another. And for a real winner, we have Obama's Health Care Reform bill..... (but, that's not what I would call it..... another topic there though....) that REQUIRES people to purchase a commercial product. There was some debate on this, and one senator, when asked: "So, does this mean, the government could require people to buy, say... Oranges?" and her answer was NOT "No"...... The precedent has been set, the government can tell you where to spend your money in the open market......


2nd amendment is another good one. Seems we have the right to 'keep and bear' arms, but, only if we get a permit to do so, and only where the government says we can. With one hand, they tell us we have these rights, with the other two hands, they take them away quietly, and use some silly excuse like "best interests of national security" to justify it. Even though, having a bit more control over our borders would do more to further our national security goals, yet, they do nothing, or very little, about that.


Politicians Lie. They manipulate data, to justify whatever their pet project is at the moment. They are only interested in what keeps them in office, and what makes them the most money, RIGHT NOW. It's what's best for THEM that they pay the most attention to, what's best for the american people has become a non-concern, and has been for quite some time.

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See the trouble is, even though we have a constitution with clearly defined "rights", the court system can interpret those however they care to. The incident in the original post, that started this whole thing is just one example. Corporations are people too is another. And for a real winner, we have Obama's Health Care Reform bill..... (but, that's not what I would call it..... another topic there though....) that REQUIRES people to purchase a commercial product. There was some debate on this, and one senator, when asked: "So, does this mean, the government could require people to buy, say... Oranges?" and her answer was NOT "No"...... The precedent has been set, the government can tell you where to spend your money in the open market......


2nd amendment is another good one. Seems we have the right to 'keep and bear' arms, but, only if we get a permit to do so, and only where the government says we can. With one hand, they tell us we have these rights, with the other two hands, they take them away quietly, and use some silly excuse like "best interests of national security" to justify it. Even though, having a bit more control over our borders would do more to further our national security goals, yet, they do nothing, or very little, about that.


Politicians Lie. They manipulate data, to justify whatever their pet project is at the moment. They are only interested in what keeps them in office, and what makes them the most money, RIGHT NOW. It's what's best for THEM that they pay the most attention to, what's best for the american people has become a non-concern, and has been for quite some time.



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How in God's name did this topic turn into a royalty fight? Just saying..............

These people, the german/"english" royals, tried so many times to took over america and get it under controll again. And they still do.

Because such things happen if people lost their freedoms to the government. Psychophats took over and like it was before 100 years, they spend your money for decadent BS.



But people forgott that the real, the biggest threat in their live is the government. Especialy if its run by people who think they are better than you because they wearing the biggest headdress and their ancestors are inbreeders. There are still to many cultures in europa without any sense of freedome and liberty, and this is why its so essential for us that the USA survives the police state agenda.




On the strength that allegedly he was filmed by a security camera while taking a pee (urinating in a public place perhaps?)

Don't make things up.

It was a public toilet, and there was a screen by the sinks where you can see yourself from behinde while taking a pee. I don't make this stuff up! This was totaly strange, how people could let that happen to their country? Everybody knows that london is full of CCTV Cameras, but on the toilet? This was the point where i decided to myself to go right back to the airport and never visit this s***hole until these peasant learn something about the culture of freedom.


EDIT by LHammonds: Ok, that's enough hostility from you. Vagrant0 already made it clear in a prior post as to what is expected. Consider this ban as a means to cool down.

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Absolutely. This is the problem, and I even speak as someone with a legal background, once the lawyers and the judges in particular get hold of the constitution and start interpreting it in a way that is very far from the intent of the Founding Fathers, discontent boils up. Judges (particularly when they themselves are also elected) and politicians all like to grandstand and think they can improve on anything their predecessors did.


I for one hope the American people are going to stand firm on this one, and I am pretty sure they are! As I have said before we are now looking across the Atlantic and thinking that having a written constitution ourselves might be the way to protect our rights and sovereignty, and thus we are as dismayed as Americans to see their constitution being chipped away at.


Edit - I was responding to the posts by HeyYou and csgators before someone else posted.

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How in God's name did this topic turn into a royalty fight? Just saying..............

These people, the german/"english" royals, tried so many times to took over america and get it under controll again. And they still do.

Because such things happen if people lost their freedoms to the government. Psychophats took over and like it was before 100 years, they spend your money for decadent BS.



But people forgott that the real, the biggest threat in their live is the government. Especialy if its run by people who think they are better than you because they wearing the biggest headdress and their ancestors are inbreeders. There are still to many cultures in europa without any sense of freedome and liberty, and this is why its so essential for us that the USA survives the police state agenda.




On the strength that allegedly he was filmed by a security camera while taking a pee (urinating in a public place perhaps?)

Don't make things up.

It was a public toilet, and there was a screen by the sinks where you can see yourself from behinde while taking a pee. I don't make this stuff up! This was totaly strange, how people could let that happen to their country? Everybody knows that london is full of CCTV Cameras, but on the toilet? This was the point where i decided to myself to go right back to the airport and never visit this s***hole until these peasant learn something about the culture of freedom.


You're entitled to your opinion and all but isn't worrying about your own government enough? Maybe when we make the USA a perfect place I'll consider worrying about what the UK is doing.

Edited by csgators
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Absolutely. This is the problem, and I even speak as someone with a legal background, once the lawyers and the judges in particular get hold of the constitution and start interpreting it in a way that is very far from the intent of the Founding Fathers, discontent boils up. Judges (particularly when they themselves are also elected) and politicians all like to grandstand and think they can improve on anything their predecessors did.


I for one hope the American people are going to stand firm on this one, and I am pretty sure they are! As I have said before we are now looking across the Atlantic and thinking that having a written constitution ourselves might be the way to protect our rights and sovereignty, and thus we are as dismayed as Americans to see their constitution being chipped away at.


Edit - I was responding to the posts by HeyYou and csgators before someone else posted.


Simply having a constitution is absolutely zero guarantee that your 'rights' will be assured. The US is a prime example of that at this point. The hope that the american people will 'stand firm' is a pretty forlorn one..... it has been demonstrated to me time and again, that while we may complain about it for a while, in the end, the government get's their way. Our votes are irrelevant. Not to mention, that if turnout for an election as important as President..... only gets something to the tune of 35% voter turn out...... seems the majority of americans really don't care.


Another thing that disturbs me is, the relatively little difference between the two main parties on most of the important topics. (please note, apparently JOBS are NOT an important topic, as no one seems to be talking about that again...... it was popular for a while, and then, after the last round of elections, fizzled out. As usual.) So it doesn't really matter whom you vote for, as the main policy isn't going to change.


Nope. America is no longer the Land of the Free. Nor is it the Land of Opportunity. (unless you are a foreigner here.... they get some very nice tax breaks, that if you were born here, you can forget about.) We are the worlds dumping ground of consumer products, and the well to dip into when your country needs money, or arms, or simply wants to be bought off, so we can call them an "ally". We have been doing this for too long now, and it won't be much longer before the largest consumer nation in the world, runs out of money, runs out of middle class folks, and is staring hard at bankruptcy, due to giving everyone else money that we should have been using to promote growth right here at home, and taking care of our own yard. Corporate america has milked the populace for too long, bought off the government, and their short-sightedness has brought about policies that are destroying the very people they want to sell their products to. But, they made a hell of a lot of money in the short term......


Is any of that going to change? Not without a MAJOR upset first.... which is exactly what I see coming. No, not revolution, americans are too inherently lazy to do that. More like another economic collapse, that will make 2007 look like a walk in the park.

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He may be entitled to his opinion, but should be more careful about how it is expressed.


The ironic thing is that you probably SHOULD be worried about the UK, lest the USA go the same way, but not for the reasons that he is suggesting. (As a matter of fact I am no fan of surveillance cameras myself, but why that leads into EIIR being a murderer I don't know...anyway). Let me explain what I mean. The UK has no written constitution, thus due to the massive interference of the EU, some ludicrous actions by the judges using the Human Rights Act, our liberties and sovereignty are being eroded. The USA does have a written constitution, which all true Americans cherish and rightly so, defending their rights against overweening government, outside interference, and much more. Thus the citizens of the USA should fight to the last ditch to prevent the hacking away at the constitution that is happening now, for they do not wish to end up like we have. We face a battle to wrest back our sovereignty and liberty from the EU, which is why we are currently looking West for ideas and considering our own new Bill of Rights.




"Simply having a constitution is absolutely zero guarantee that your 'rights' will be assured. The US is a prime example of that at this point. The hope that the american people will 'stand firm' is a pretty forlorn one..... it has been demonstrated to me time and again, that while we may complain about it for a while, in the end, the government get's their way. "


I totally take your point, but we certainly feel that whilst a constitution is no absolute guarantee, just as you so rightly put it in the bit I quoted, those of us who actually care (yes our electorate are also apathetic) see it as another bulwark against the encroachment on our liberties.

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Absolutely. This is the problem, and I even speak as someone with a legal background, once the lawyers and the judges in particular get hold of the constitution and start interpreting it in a way that is very far from the intent of the Founding Fathers, discontent boils up. Judges (particularly when they themselves are also elected) and politicians all like to grandstand and think they can improve on anything their predecessors did.


I for one hope the American people are going to stand firm on this one, and I am pretty sure they are! As I have said before we are now looking across the Atlantic and thinking that having a written constitution ourselves might be the way to protect our rights and sovereignty, and thus we are as dismayed as Americans to see their constitution being chipped away at.


Edit - I was responding to the posts by HeyYou and csgators before someone else posted.


Simply having a constitution is absolutely zero guarantee that your 'rights' will be assured. The US is a prime example of that at this point. The hope that the american people will 'stand firm' is a pretty forlorn one..... it has been demonstrated to me time and again, that while we may complain about it for a while, in the end, the government get's their way. Our votes are irrelevant. Not to mention, that if turnout for an election as important as President..... only gets something to the tune of 35% voter turn out...... seems the majority of americans really don't care.


Another thing that disturbs me is, the relatively little difference between the two main parties on most of the important topics. (please note, apparently JOBS are NOT an important topic, as no one seems to be talking about that again...... it was popular for a while, and then, after the last round of elections, fizzled out. As usual.) So it doesn't really matter whom you vote for, as the main policy isn't going to change.


Nope. America is no longer the Land of the Free. Nor is it the Land of Opportunity. (unless you are a foreigner here.... they get some very nice tax breaks, that if you were born here, you can forget about.) We are the worlds dumping ground of consumer products, and the well to dip into when your country needs money, or arms, or simply wants to be bought off, so we can call them an "ally". We have been doing this for too long now, and it won't be much longer before the largest consumer nation in the world, runs out of money, runs out of middle class folks, and is staring hard at bankruptcy, due to giving everyone else money that we should have been using to promote growth right here at home, and taking care of our own yard. Corporate america has milked the populace for too long, bought off the government, and their short-sightedness has brought about policies that are destroying the very people they want to sell their products to. But, they made a hell of a lot of money in the short term......


Is any of that going to change? Not without a MAJOR upset first.... which is exactly what I see coming. No, not revolution, americans are too inherently lazy to do that. More like another economic collapse, that will make 2007 look like a walk in the park.


Actually we have a large and growing number of people that have no respect for the constitution. One major political party pushes the idea of a "living" constitution so that they can erode its power, that party currently holds the Senate and the White House.

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