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Crazy Graphics Problem


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I have had Oblivion for years now, and just recently started playing again a few days ago. Everything was going fine until one day I started up the game and encountered the most perplexing graphics problem I've ever seen. Everything in the game world became way too bright (even night time looks like the middle of the day), and massive blurry textures appeared all over the screen, covering most of the ground surface. I've tried everything I can think of to fix it; I've restarted the computer, changed the graphics settings, started a new game, updated the drivers for my graphics card (Radeon 5750), and searched all over the internet to find a solution, but have yet to even find another person with this problem. I took a screenshot to give everyone a better look at what exactly is going on.




Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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In your oblivion.ini located in my games\oblivion, find the setting:




see what it is set to..... if it is non-zero, set it to zero, if it IS zero, set it to -1200, and see if that doesn't fix the splotchies around town.


also, try opening the console and type in:




close the console, and see what happens.

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I had that problem when I updated my graphics card: You need to go into you video card setup (NOT Oblivion game) and change it from 'best performance' to 'best quality'.


Hope that helps.

Edited by GingerTom
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