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Terraria: A sandbox adventure 2D platformer Minecraft and Castlevania like game with co-op. That is not Minecraft, but is more fun.


I just bought it off steam for 10e, and it was the greatest purchase of my life.

It is impossible to explain all the things that you can do, because there is a TON of things that you can do.

To show you a fraction of the possibilities:



Anyone that wants a great sandbox adventure should buy this now!


What are your thoughts?

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I actually find it more entertaining than minecraft. Theres a lot more things to do in it.


Indeed, it has a lot more items, weapons, armor and other stuff, you just can't keep up with it.

I played it for 10 hours since i bought it yesterday, and I am amazed by its deepness. I don't get it how a few guys could make a game THIS good in 4 months (Yes, the development of the game began in January 2011).

The only negative thing about it is the soundtrack, I turned it off. It doesn't fit the atmosphere of the game.

If anyone wants a good ambient soundtrack to run in the background, I recommend "Vergen by Night"






Have fun!

Edited by Iv000
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Heres it condensed: Minecraft is a game of creativity. You build things and show them off. Terraria is like an adventure game. Theres randomly generated dungeons, boss battles, NPC's and even an alternate realm that slowly takes over the world (can be stopped).


TBH, Minecraft is fun, Terraria is more fun (IMO at least).

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