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Yeah, its just single player is completely boring to me.... I'm thinking it might be more fun on multiplayer.


Would we need to rent out a private server? I don't know if it would host well from my laptop.

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Just a note, as far as I know, you have to forward a port in your router for other players to be able to join your game.


That's easier then it sounds.

I did that in a minute or two.

For those that want to port forward use this guide http://portforward.com/


As for me, I just had to paste my IP into my URL box, write my password, and do some clicking and writing, that's it.

But the game does have some server problems, my friends sometimes freeze in a position, even though they are moving (at least on their PC). And sometimes items glitch out and can't be picked up, and you sometimes fall through the floor.

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Well, I started a server on my laptop, I don't know how well it'll go but we can try!



Password: The Nexus


It told me it was on port 7777, so I opened it on my wireless router. Tell me whether you can join or not.

Also I'm using a fresh character, so please do the same.


Anyone's welcome!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I just got this yesterday for $2.50 and I'm pretty addicted to it. It's a little boring when you play by yourself though. My friend and my boyfriend got copies too. My friend is being lazy and won't open his ports, so he had to join my boyfriend's server. Had a difficult time figuring out how to join them too, but when you are on the same router, you have to use the hosts internal IP to connect, not the external. Edited by Illiad86
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I just got this yesterday for $2.50 and I'm pretty addicted to it. It's a little boring when you play by yourself though. My friend and my boyfriend got copies too. My friend is being lazy and won't open his ports, so he had to join my boyfriend's server. Had a difficult time figuring out how to join them too, but when you are on the same router, you have to use the hosts internal IP to connect, not the external.

Just a tip, don't fight the wall of flesh unless you really do want most of your world to be corruption, and hard corruption at that. I made a separate world for "hardmode" stuff and used the world I built everything on as a storage world. Even with a silly amount of tnt I still couldn't save the underground jungle biome or my skybridge because of corruptors so had to roll back to an earlier state.

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