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I've watched that many videos and to be honest it looks like one of those flash games you see on randomfakewebsitewithgames.com (not real site)

I'm sorry but I'd rather have a game that doesn't make me look and feel like a child/young teenager again with all these 2D flash games.


Minecraft is for creativity, this seems more of an adventure game.


Sure enough I can see it's appeal.

It has a lot of content, it's being worked on still. You can build and you can craft stuff.

However this game isn't for me. I am not saying it's not for everyone.

Everyone's opinion is different and everyone likes the game they like even if others don't.

So I'm not knocking it. Just not for me that's all. Far too over-hyped for what it really is though.


I think I'll stick to Minecraft and the Geck for now :)


Good luck to the developers.

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^Wait, so everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and some people might love the game while others don't, but people who love the game and hype it up are overhyping it? Makes perfect sense.


The way I see it, it's not just any game that overtakes Counter-Strike on the most played list on Steam. That has to count for something.

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All games get overhyped at some point.

I just think it is IMO considering it's everywhere on youtube.


I don't go off sale count, ever. So no it counts for nothing to me :P

But like I said it seems like a fun game for people who like it. It's just not for me at all.


I can see it's appeal as the gameplay elements will obviously appeal to a lot of minecraft fans.

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I would take Minecraft over this anytime. But Minecraft still needs a lot more content, and it's giving me performance problems.

For now I'm sticking with Terraria, and when Minecraft gets it's final version on 11.11.11 (Same day as Skyrim :3) I'll get it.

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Looks like a perfect game for me, getting kinda bored of minecraft right about now (read: over 9000 hours ago)

And the amount videos already on Youtube about this makes me want to boycott it :D Not that I'm going to

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We need an unofficial server for this, like the Minecraft one. It would be a lot more fun if we could play multiplayer. Random servers online are filled with griefers and annoying people...
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We need an unofficial server for this, like the Minecraft one. It would be a lot more fun if we could play multiplayer. Random servers online are filled with griefers and annoying people...


Sadly, there is a maximum player cap, set at 8. And the world isn't unlimited, but it is randomly generated.

I guess the game is meant to be played with a few friends :confused:

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We need an unofficial server for this, like the Minecraft one. It would be a lot more fun if we could play multiplayer. Random servers online are filled with griefers and annoying people...


Sadly, there is a maximum player cap, set at 8. And the world isn't unlimited, but it is randomly generated.

I guess the game is meant to be played with a few friends :confused:

Minecraft nexus server has a cap of 8 and we barely ever have more than 3 people on at one time.

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