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Become an author mod


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I do not know how hard it would be to make, but this is my idea:

Add Libraries around Skyrim.

Make it so you can buy blank books, ink, and a quill or make them.

Write books.

Publish them.

Make money.


Now, to make it so people don't abuse the system, it would have a check to make sure that you are using decent grammar, and a check for how many sentences are in the book.

The better the grammar and longer the book (more sentences), the more it will go for.

You can also increase your renown as an author by making more books, doing quests at the Libraries, etc. which will also increase your renown.

A higher renown will also increase how much you make as an author.


This will allow for people to have a more unique playstyle.

There are a few mods that allow you to be a merchant, a bard, this would allow you to be a storyteller of a type.

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I could get behind a mod like this. The dragonborn does need to retire eventually after all, and what better way to fund their lives than writing about their adventures. I can see it now... 'To Defeat the World Eater".


You would probably need to find a way to integrate a spell check system into skyrim, which I imagine would be quite difficult.

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This could be simplified into a working mod, thought it would not be to the extent of what you are hoping for.


The blank tomes are easy, there is a blacksmithing mod that requires blank tomes, an ink well, a quil, and a piece of armor (you have the perk for) and you dismantle the armor and write down the plans so you can make the armor again later.


So your original idea of buying books quills and ink Wells. Perfectly doable. However to manual write out your own book and sell to npcs would be a huge amount of work for a mod author.


What could be done would be similar to the Dragonborn journal but implementing your idea of selling the books and earning reknown.


To start off, you would need the materials. Second you would need to complete a quest. Any quest will do. Then when you click on a blank book, a dialogue option will appear in the screen asking "What story would you like to write" and a list of completed quests will pop up. Quests already written about will not appear in the list. The title of the book would be the name of the quest and all journal entries on the quest will be added to the book. The linger the quest, the longer the book. The linger the book the larger the reknown, the larger the reknown the higher the pay.


This version IS doable.

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This could be simplified into a working mod, thought it would not be to the extent of what you are hoping for.


The blank tomes are easy, there is a blacksmithing mod that requires blank tomes, an ink well, a quil, and a piece of armor (you have the perk for) and you dismantle the armor and write down the plans so you can make the armor again later.


So your original idea of buying books quills and ink Wells. Perfectly doable. However to manual write out your own book and sell to npcs would be a huge amount of work for a mod author.


What could be done would be similar to the Dragonborn journal but implementing your idea of selling the books and earning reknown.


To start off, you would need the materials. Second you would need to complete a quest. Any quest will do. Then when you click on a blank book, a dialogue option will appear in the screen asking "What story would you like to write" and a list of completed quests will pop up. Quests already written about will not appear in the list. The title of the book would be the name of the quest and all journal entries on the quest will be added to the book. The linger the quest, the longer the book. The linger the book the larger the reknown, the larger the reknown the higher the pay.


This version IS doable.

This sounds awesome! :)

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I also found a mod called "Reputation" Wich completely tracks every actions you do in Skyrim. Questing, donating to beggars, working with factions, killing Innocents etc. So keeping reknown tracking for book selling wouldn't be hard either!


Honestly I hope someone outs this into the works, I require absolutely no credit if my ideas are used.

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