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Why? I mean why? Really why?


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Not to be a ditz, but what is the goal of this thread? Is it just to cry about female characters getting the most attention? This is hardly the way to get more dude stuff being modded... just saying.
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I'm with OP on this one, it's not that there's tons of female options (that's really something you see in every game, especially ones with clothes, and also in real life) but there's a lack of male options. I mean, some of the most popular companion mods are the ones that prettify female characters, while Boone and Raul get no outstanding prettification efforts. Granted, most people who play this game are heterosexual males, but still.


For example: breast physics. There's really no point in them, but if we're going to have them, I also want to see other kinds of physics being modeled. Like, hair, and dong physics, for the sake of consistency.

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Outside of slomo, real-life breast physics aren't actually that interesting.


As for dong physics, if you really want that then you should be watching watchmen, not playing FONV.


What if you're a girl player like me? Maybe I want me a little dong physics when I got me a naked male companion running around. Seems only fair :dance: Shake it baby. Ya, know? Or maybe I'd be more interested in playing a male character if I had actual physics going on. lol.


But, seriously, I would love to see more male armors and clothing. When I download things I like to use for my male companion (I always play female characters being a girl it just feels more comfortable to me) I endorse and say thanks and make more please! But I am NOT unhappy with the female stuff. I use it for my character and my female companions. I love all the choices we have. I think more is better :)

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I tried to compile as much as I could of what there is for males for New vegas on the Beth forum:



Seems some of them have been pulled and I might have missed some things.



And I don't think it's really whining to express a desire for something. I play male characters. I'm a male. It's a role-playing game and I play characters I can identify with. And if the ... "eye candy"... is what you're after, there's much better pictures and video out there than a video game.

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All the psychology stuff is erking me. Y'know since I started playing New Vegas my favorite color seems to have switch from blue to brown, I think I felt the same way about green when I played fallout 3. :unsure:


Anyway, I'm on the side of people who don't really like all sexed up armor mods. Of course I'm also altogether bothered by the presence of all jugs and shlongs flying around the place. I expect them to be there no matter where I go, but honestly when they are protruding so greatly that they poke almost anyone in the face, it can be quite agitating. Indeed when one sees many great armor and quest modifications having been kicked to a side in favor of the second most popular mod of all time being a female structure replacement of great depravity, one must occasionally wonder; "Just what the hell kinda crew am I rollin' with?"


Pfffff, I can live with it though. But if I had the skills (clearly I could get them but I'm lazy) I would probably convert many of the type 3 armors into vanilla female bodies or even male versions. Which brings me back to how much I wish that all the custom body types, along with the vanilla bodies, could exist within the same game-space.

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I don't mind the fact that most of the content out there is for female characters. I never play as female characters, though, and I do wish there was more of a variety of clothing for male characters. I'd kill for a nice Rick Deckard shirt and tie in game. Or, perhaps, a "western" outfit that doesn't fit perfectly into the stereotypical mold of a John Wayne-esque cowboy.


Also, I think the main reason I don't play as scantily-clad women in video games is because I have the internet and if I want to look at a "woman's figure", as many people put it, I can just look at pornography or something. I don't demand that it be in my video games. That doesn't go to say I want an all male game or a game filled with unappealing women... but I have standards. I prefer my games to have a bit of realism. And as far as prostitution mods go, the graphic ones aren't for me, but the tasteful ones are generally game-enhancers in my opinion.


End of tirade, haha. I apologize


My point again:

I don't mind that the majority of clothing/armor mods are for female characters. Mods are tailored for the people and for the authors. That's great! I love it! The people should get what they want! BUT... I still find myself wishing sometimes... just wishing, for a larger selection of male-oriented clothing/armor mods.

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lol. Llama,

How can I say this, without being edited, warned, or banned.....lol x 2.

The BNB bouncing jiggly action comes from "boob bones" in the skeletal frame, right? So in order to get junk sway for a male body, one would need to add a "bone" to that particular area of interest. Although, I personally never ever want to view such a thing wiggling towards me in a game (or anywhere else), you fully have the right to ogle some opposite anatomy.

AND: because of your fine female companion mod work for the community (mostly for guys, judging from the bff Willow nekkid dance) we should all demand that some quality body modder step forward to provide you with the fullest of full monties that you deserve.


[There. I swear I didn't swear up there.]

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(I always play female characters being a girl it just feels more comfortable to me)

easier decision if you're a girl probably, since after all it's mostly about if you'd rather see a girls or a guys behinds most of the game... :-)

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