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Why? I mean why? Really why?


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TheSims; More female than male players = More female clothing than male clothing

SecondLife; fairly even split of male/female = More female clothing than male clothing

Fallout; More male than female players = More female clothing than male clothing


I think I see a trend :)


Real Life; My wife has 3 wardrobes to my 1

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It's more so the fact that not everything is specifically labeled "For male" or "female" so you'll have to dig through the armor/clothing sections. The fact that everyone wants to make a sexy female outfit makes it very hard to dig for a good male outfit.

Besides this really isn't a matter of which gender is more pleasing to the eye, if you're playing a male character you don't wanna look boring and vanilla while all the females are customized and pretty. Men want to look handsome sometimes.


I dunno, I still don't get the recurring "but I have to look at all those suits I don't want" complaint. Ultimately you'd have to anyway, because everyone has different views of what's vanilla and what's cool, and there is no real way to have a downloads section tailored specifically for your tastes. I don't get one tailored specifically to my tastes either. I hate clicking through all those extremely rusty weapons and armours in a world which by now is manufacturing new guns and even energy weapons, for a start. Other people hate clicking through my shiny steel stuff. (And I'm not just saying "probably." I know they do, because they leave comments.) There is just no such thing as a one true taste to tailor a download site for. So ultimately we'll all have to click, see, and use the back button lots. That's just the way it is.

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I dunno, I still don't get the recurring "but I have to look at all those suits I don't want" complaint. Ultimately you'd have to anyway, because everyone has different views of what's vanilla and what's cool, and there is no real way to have a downloads section tailored specifically for your tastes. I don't get one tailored specifically to my tastes either. I hate clicking through all those extremely rusty weapons and armours in a world which by now is manufacturing new guns and even energy weapons, for a start. Other people hate clicking through my shiny steel stuff. (And I'm not just saying "probably." I know they do, because they leave comments.) There is just no such thing as a one true taste to tailor a download site for. So ultimately we'll all have to click, see, and use the back button lots. That's just the way it is.




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I'm actually referring to the mod hunter as opposed to the modder them self. Some outfits are downloaded less than others regardless of gender and a lot of them may fit into the same category.


I know I myself get lazy and don't feel like downloading and installing every sexy outfit I see. There's a lot to choose from and it's indeed overwhelming, but my point is the mod hunter may have a specific taste catered to what they are looking for for the specified character they are working on.


What if you make a guy you think would be kind of suave, a smooth talker type but the vanilla outfits aren't cutting it for you? you'd look for something catering to those needs, wouldn't you?


I'd personally rather play female characters but I'd definitely craft some male outfits if I were good at it for the sake of more variety for the lesser appreciated sex.

Edited by TziporaHalevi
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What if you make a guy you think would be kind of suave, a smooth talker type but the vanilla outfits aren't cutting it for you? you'd look for something catering to those needs, wouldn't you?


Sounds like my usual story, though not quite. I actually wanted to do exactly that kind of character at one point. I tried looking, the Nexus didn't quite have what I had in mind (most armours were more like soldier type or wastelander type than gentleman type, and too dirty for my taste too), so I made my own professional suits recolours. Heck, even the current "Vlad" collection there happened because I wanted to play an Alucard-like guy -- not sweet talking or anything, but still wearing red gentleman clothes and round glasses as opposed to jagged metal armour -- in Fallout 3, and I didn't quite find exactly what I was looking for. So I had to recolour the Eulogy suit and hat to the exact colour I wanted, and backport the Jackal gun to FO3 to boot. (Then ported the suite texture to FO:NV too.)


Sometimes I too have to accept that if I'm not paying anyone a wage to do what I want, they're going to do the stuff they want, and that's that. Ultimately if you want something done, the safest way is to do it yourself. (Or forbid your kids to do it;))


Complaining ain't going to help much. There are easily a dozen people who want something done for every person who can do it, at any given time, so the chances that someone will drop everything and do exactly your favourite stuff are somewhat slim. It occasionally happens, mind you, but it's not a given.


Edit: but the same for everything else, actually. It's maybe unfair to single out only the armours. Like there was the time when I wanted a medieval mace. Running around with a board with nails in it or a rusty sledgehammer is soo... plebeian, you know what I mean? You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a good mace for most games. It's like everyone only makes guns and swords (and half of them version of the FF7 Buster Sword at that). You can't find a good mace for a D&D Cleric type character. Somehow I don't think it would have helped much to complain at all those people making guns and swords to make me a mace ;)


I'd personally rather play female characters but I'd definitely craft some male outfits if I were good at it for the sake of more variety for the lesser appreciated sex.


Go for it. If experience taught me anything, is that even if you're one in a million, there are 6000 just like you. Someone out there is bound to like your stuff.

Edited by Moraelin
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Gimme a few to make a screenie from my dude (I never play girls, not even in RP. Just dunno HOW to... XD)


Yes, with Willow, indeed...

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oh yes there are more teenagers or younginh men making mods absolutely. No doubt. But there is no therefore logically. you actually made a logical leap and jumped straight to a conclusion. more male modders does not automatically = more female outfits. nor does the absolute fact males are nearly always trying to get jiggy, mean there are more female outfits.


I play male characters. Because I identify more with male characters because I am male, particularly when RPGing. I actually mostly make male outfits as it happens. R2D2 is a male, big scary green monster is a male, guyver is a male, cybermen, stormtroopers are male. Dracula is male, I think I am like 10-1 in the opposite camp. I find that quite interesting, as I am not in the normal range of thought process when I RP, play games, or choose modelling projects. And I have no idea why I am different. You say there are more males that is why there are more female outfits, I wouldn't immediately thought that would be the case. When I was a kid, I wasn't interested in barbie, girls clothes or fashion, I liked transformers and ninjas. Not much has changed! :tongue:


So as for the why question, So what you are saying it is you think that these other people are actually modding for female characters to basically fulfil a sexual fantasy.


I was poking around about the psychology that maybe related to this and I thought this was funny "Children have always innately associated themselves with their toys to give them information about their own identities. This allows them to form and develop their self image at an early age. When playing with Barbies, children project their self image onto the doll in an attempt to identify with it and have been doing so since its launch in 1959."


I think much the same can be said for how people choose to represent themselves when they RP. They are strengthening their own self image. Odd that is more young males chose to associate themselves with female sex toys rather than a tough guy or badass male hero. I think I prefer to imagine this mental image over a load of guys getting a semi while playing with their fallout characters.

Edited by Ghogiel
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So, basically you're saying that I act like a baby because I had a baby doll when I was a kid? :P


Sorry, I generally don't find armchair psychologist acts very convincing, but this one particularly strikes me as proof of why we want studies instead of people imagining what they like to believe.


Strengthening one's self image? Wait, what? That sounds more like the kind of stuff that Jack Thompson was peddling than any serious psychology. I mean, if nothing else, you'd think that someone would eventually strengthen their self-image as a tough killer enough to actually go shoot someone, if it actually worked that way. Here I thought that the way we act in games is because they're games and we can do it to escape reality. If I wanted to strengthen my self image in games, I'd play games where my character is a programming consultant. That's kinda more important for my self-image than being the guy or girl who shot 1000 supermutants in Fallout.


Plus, I'm not sure most people actually RP even in MMOs. In fact, even on RP servers, the most RP I've ever seen was just public foreplay. I really don't see RP as the reason why people choose their outfits in single player games.

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