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Deathclaws - Interesting Idea


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So I was watching a video on YouTube, a fan theory about the creatures of our beloved universe.
​I can't seem to post links so I'll just post the video name.
"Fan Theory: Creatures of Fallout Explained WITH SCIENCE! [FALLOUT 4]" - by Geek Remix
​The part that really interested me is that Deathclaws can be peaceful.
​Semi Spoiler - In the quest The Devil's Due we get a Pristine Deathclaw egg and have the choice to give it to some posh annoying robot for the "Upperclass" of Diamond City or give the egg back to it's Mother (Guessing it's gender). If you do the latter the Deathclaw will be peaceful towards you and you can run into it's face ( And possibly kiss it). I'm unsure if it says after you leave the nest and come back but hey, I'll do a test and post later, just for curiosity.
​In the video it says Deathclaws will not attack you if they don't see you as a threat, here's what's in the video
"If given the chance a Deathclaw will be kind and gentle, it's the world that has made them fearful and attack on sight" You can understand why though, they're scary...
So now as the logic has been explained now for my idea...
​When facing a deathclaw there's a chance that it can be peaceful towards you if you do a certain action (Like keeping your weapon holstered and not out), this can only happen before the possible fight. However if they accept you and you do something stupid or get too close they will attack. Or you join in a fight against a Deathclaw or one joins in a fight they can not be pacified (E.g the Deathclaw in Concord)
The chance would be low but many not so low it rarely happens, they are Intelligent after all so maybe they could recognise a weapon and their dangers. The chance could be dependant on your luck and maybe when the CK comes out a perk could be created to increase the chance further and with more levels increase levels the higher the chances (I'd say the highest would be something like 40% or lower) and maybe they could aid you. So it will be like the Animal Friend perk but only applies to Deathclaws.

Please comment your opinions on this, it'll be interesting to see other peoples views on this idea.

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The Yao Guai actually behave like you're asking for.

If you see them rear up and roar, and back off, they'll go about their business and not attack.


If anoyne would like to assist me in making a Deathclaw Companion, I have posted a thread here about how our mutant lizard friend would work.

Edited by MLeonhardt
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