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Imported .nif Shows up Fine in Nifskope but not in GECK

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Are you copying into a nif that uses a bsfadenode?

Well none of the Overlord's meshes have bsfadenodes so no lol

Here is exactly what I have done so far:

1. Edit the Mesh in Blender (remove pieces/clean it up a little)

2. Export by clicking the skeleton and enabling shadow maps

3. This where I believe I am screwing something up

I open the newly edited mesh in Nifskope and this is where I am unsure of what to do... I have tried multiple things like copying the branch but im certain thats not right either...

The picture above of the overlords Loin Cloth is where i get to and I guess I just don't know what to do from there :blush:

Thanks for the continued support btw :biggrin:

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For creatures you shouldn't have to do anything in nifskope, provided you exported with the correct settings.


Make sure they match the screenshot here:



Your screens almost look like you are using the wrong skeleton but there's no way I can be sure.

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For creatures you shouldn't have to do anything in nifskope, provided you exported with the correct settings.


Make sure they match the screenshot here:



Your screens almost look like you are using the wrong skeleton but there's no way I can be sure.

Oh my gosh your a lifesaver man :thumbsup:

The problem was that i had "Use Bsfadenode root" selected silly me

thanks again

hes all better now lol, now to work on the pants again


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