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HOPEFULLY someone can finally give me the answer that I seek...why is it that some containers/chests respawn faster than others? This applies to original Oblivion containers as well as mod-added ones. I have mods whose contianers will respawn in a day while others take months. I even have a mod that added a chest that only just yesterday respawned...and it was installed almost a year ago. I have looked around the CS and can find no reference to a setting parameter for respawning speed. I don't know my way around the CS very well yet so if there is, I'm probably looking in the wrong place. If there is a way to set this, can someone PLEASE tell me how to do it?! Thank you!
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I think you have to leave an area and not come back for three days to have it respawn. People talk of three days being the normal respawn period, and it is roughly the period I have observed in play-testing. To be safe, you better wait four days. Timers in Oblivion are rather sloppy.


So if you have a respawning container in your house, and your character is constantly visiting your house, like almost every day, then your container might never respawn.


Certain mods make certain custom containers respawn at custom rates. Some mods even make such containers respawn instantly.


I think what you would like to do is not easy. Otherwise there would be lots of mods that do it. I am not sure if the mods which do change spawn rates put scripting on everything in the world, or if there is a setting in the .ini that can be changed.

Edited by David Brasher
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Game setting iHoursToRespawnCell is the time for anything to respawn and is by default set to 72 (3 days). You'll have to be outside the cell for it to reset, including chests, etc. You can change this amount with SetNumericGameSetting iHoursToRespawnCell <hours>. Chests don't normally have their own spawning time, but you can force it by using ResetInterior <cellname>. This will force the cell to reset, including any chests inside it. You will have to be outside this cell to make it work though. You can also fake respawning by just adding items to chests under certain conditions. Edited by Maskar
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