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The Witcher 2 and (or VS) Dragon Age II


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This thread serves one purpouse: To discuss The Witchers 2 against or compared to Dragon Age II.


Some thread has been threadjacked and went slightly off-topic due to people battling it out, so for the sake of keeping the other thread clean, if you REALLY want to discuss/debate this battle, do so here please.:armscrossed:




P.S: I will have no say in this, i'd rather keep my opinions to myself on this one. :facepalm:

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Based on the small amount that I've played (For some reason, TW2 doesn't run properly on my computer), The Witcher 2 is a better game in every aspect. DA2 is a fun game but it isn't a good game. That may seem paradoxical, but I don't think it is. Edited by Retribution
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