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  • 4 weeks later...

if Vertibirds are "animals" why not do the same thing for a "groundish" vehicle ? maybe a hover car like a dunebuggy or one of the already existing car models with a robot driver and mr handy thrusters insteead of wheels on all corners just like a quadrocopter, that way you cancel out the development for a working suspension animation and their physics ? only that the hovercar well just hovers a few feet above the ground unlike the vertibird. however the waypoints might be a problem if obstacles are too high or it just ascends and flys over the obstacle.


The more i think about the more ideas i get, maybe someone could use a robot for that as a starting point the sentrybot leg physics for example already act a little like a ground vehicle and it also is about as wide as a normal car maybe that could be a starting point.

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