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Windmills Windmills every where


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hi is there any one who can help make this wind turbine a buildable item in game I'm really sick of those loud annoying bloody generators. this would be great to have as a power level 10 wind turbine in the buildable generator section. It seems the hard part comes from getting the in game model to function ( wiring, damage indication) like the other turbine but then what do I know. there is definitety a audiences for this so any help would be GREATLY appreciated. If I could it would have been done weeks ago but then you wouldn't be reading this would you ;p....thanks for your time.

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There already a wind based be in game though.

?_? wwwwwhhhhaaaaaaaat? are you saying there's already a mod out there that uses this type of large wind turbine for a power source which puts out a total of 10 power to not only make it as useful or even more so then those boring loud generator but makes it more difficult to be shot buy enemies during a raid o.o how did I miss this quick tell me where it at so I's can goes get it.....?_-

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