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Email notification for mod updates?


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Not sure if this is a question, or a recommendation. I was wondering, is it at all possible to set this site to send out emails to me when a file of my choosing is updated?


I've looked through all of the settings and I absolutely cannot find it. If this isn't possible right now, perhaps it could be considered as option in future site updates? Obviously you shouldn't force these emails on anyone, but i think it would be good to have the option. I don't know much about web design, but this site does already send emails to you when your forum topic gets replies, for example, and you can also subscribe to any forum topic you want, so i can't imagine this would be much different.

Edited by ddavies10693
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It's not possible at this time.


It would be a huge issue if we enabled it for the entire member base. Millions of users getting an email every time there was a mod update? That would cost a lot of money to do (sending emails on that scale isn't cheap!) and likely would not be possible.


What might be possible, is making a "daily mod digest" email a Premium Member thing, which emails you at the end of each day with any mod updates.

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@ Dark0ne but couldn't just as many people theoretically get even more emails from subscribed forum updates? you can subscribe to a seemingly infinite number of threads, which can be updated dozens of times a day if they are "hot", which is usually way more often than 99% of all mods on the site.


However the mod digest idea does sound great.

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