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Diablo 3 Beta is OUT!


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Both company are huge and efficient. BioWare is under EA now, explaining the turns of certain games they made. Couldn't care less for fans, it's all about money and revenue. And don't tell me BioWare is under low budget.


Uhm, have you seen sales for Blizzard games compared to Bioware games? Have you seen how often Bioware releases games and how often Blizzard releases games? Read up a bit before saying such ignorant stuff.

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Both company are huge and efficient. BioWare is under EA now, explaining the turns of certain games they made. Couldn't care less for fans, it's all about money and revenue. And don't tell me BioWare is under low budget.



Wrong. Both companies have to deal with time restraints and budgetry measures, the only difference is that Blizz have WoW as their constant money source that Activision lets them do whatever they like. If they didn't had WoW, then you would have seen more products by them. There is a really huge difference between them.


if Blizzard didnt have WoW they'd would still make games the same way they always do. DICE took how many years to make battlefield 3? yet they're also owned by EA too and the game is being made for PCs and consoles are an afterthought?!?! how do they get away with it? well the stand up to their bosses. problem is broware needs to grow a pair and stand up to their bosses. when EA tells broware to make a console game in one year's time bioware says "y ye yes sir please dont fire me". EA havent such easy time ordering its developers since its sports branches.


but ME3 got delayed and EA cant be happy about that maybe bioware learned to stand up for its self.

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I'm assuming the beta isn't actually out but the process for being accepted has been added to the site ready for when the beta actually starts in Q3 this year?
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"The 3rd quarter reference in the earning's call today was a calendar quarter, meaning that we're aiming to launch the Diablo III beta between July 1st and September 30th. Keep in mind that it's our current goal, and of course that can change as development continues."


So yes, the beta isn't actually out yet


btw this was posted on the Blizzard forums on May 9th so plans might have changed

Edited by Nysba
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if Blizzard didnt have WoW they'd would still make games the same way they always do. DICE took how many years to make battlefield 3? yet they're also owned by EA too and the game is being made for PCs and consoles are an afterthought?!?! how do they get away with it? well the stand up to their bosses. problem is broware needs to grow a pair and stand up to their bosses. when EA tells broware to make a console game in one year's time bioware says "y ye yes sir please dont fire me". EA havent such easy time ordering its developers since its sports branches.


but ME3 got delayed and EA cant be happy about that maybe bioware learned to stand up for its self.


Re-read what you wrote and come back when you understand a bit more about busness.

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if Blizzard didnt have WoW they'd would still make games the same way they always do. DICE took how many years to make battlefield 3? yet they're also owned by EA too and the game is being made for PCs and consoles are an afterthought?!?! how do they get away with it? well the stand up to their bosses. problem is broware needs to grow a pair and stand up to their bosses. when EA tells broware to make a console game in one year's time bioware says "y ye yes sir please dont fire me". EA havent such easy time ordering its developers since its sports branches.


but ME3 got delayed and EA cant be happy about that maybe bioware learned to stand up for its self.


Re-read what you wrote and come back when you understand a bit more about busness.


yeah that bioware quality dropped when EA took over while blizzard's quality didnt drop when activision took over and activision is 10x worse then EA. blizz stuck to its guns, bioware didnt end of story. back on topic blizz is try to get the beta out in Q3 2011 so fall will be very busy with skyrim, BF3 and diablo if i make it in.



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Blizzard is now Activision (it's known as Activision-Blizzard) while BioWare is still free to do what it wants (they have their bosses in the EA board). People seem to think that the longer a game is in production, the better it is. If that is the case then Duke Nukem Forever must be the greatest game of all time because it's been in production for 12 years.
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