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Idea for Raiders & Slavery in Settlements


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Ok, so I posted this earlier but it got taken down because my offer to donate for the mod upon completion violated site rules. Oops.


Anyway, the idea is this: (and yes, it was totally worth putting in caps.)


Fallout Settlement creation gives the player a new and awesome sense of investment into the Fallout world, and its pretty freaking cool, if you ask me, which I'm assuming you did under your breath.


However, Fallout 4 kind of locks you into this benevolent stance when it comes to Settlement creation, forcing you to either be the Minuteman Savior of the Commonwealth or some inexplicably rich farming tycoon who is invested in building up the poor and downtrodden of the Massachusetts region.


Either way, you are forced to be the kind of person you wish was running for president in 2016.




It's about time to become a Raider and get your own little corrupt slice of the pie going in the Commonwealth.


My ten point idea is as follows:


1-Have a friendly Raider vendor (don't need to make Raiders friendly to the player, just a friendly NPC vendor named Slaver Joe or something dressed in raider gear) have a stand somewhere in Bunker Hill. He should sell shipments of slaves, with 1 slave per shipment, at 5000+ caps per pop. These shipments can be put in a workbench, and an NPC that is pretty much exactly like a settler (maybe even a copy/paste Settler but with the name Slave) appears at that particular settlement.


2-Slaver Joe should have a repeatable radiant quest allowing you to take some sort of scripted net gun he gives you and capture the unnamed NPCs, like Vault residents, Caravan Guards, Settlers, Diamond City residents, etc. Preston and the other do-gooder companions should seriously hate when you use this netgun, as well as buying slave shipments. Cait, Hancock and MacCready should be neutral. The reward for completing this radiant the first time is the ability to build a slaver shack at your settlements, similar to what Kessler provides. This could be fun for either the slave-settlement builder, the lone wolf slaver out for caps, or the diabolical fiend who sets up settlement beacons in certain settlements and captures the unwary settlers who are lured to his siren call. Yes, I am indeed wringing my hands at this very moment.


3-You should also be able to purchase Raider Guards. They don't have to be any different from the Slaves or Settlers besides the name, but increased stats like Endurance would be a nice touch if possible, and of course, Raider table gear.


4-Some Raider-esque gang flags should be available to build at workshop or made available by some other means, so you can show off just how gangsta you really are.


5-Some intimidating decorations to keep settlers happy without making them too comfortable. IE, instead of wasting valuable building capacity allotment lining walls with pictures of puppies to keep your slaves happy, you could place hanging prison cages, impaled bodies, and other such items already found within the game, as decorations that keep people happy. Happy that they are alive and not in a tremendous amount of pain at that particular moment.


6-"Minutemen Vigilantes" should show up and attack your settlements that have slaver shacks. They should not be regular Minutemen, because I'm sure some tool out there will be the Minuteman General and the Slaver Warlord simultaneously and we wouldn't want said tool to break his game because the Minutemen are hostile to him somehow through some bug or script.


7-Friendly Raiders should show up in certain areas and fight other factions, like Super Mutants or Gunners or whomever, just like other friendly factions do. Junk Artillery in the pipe-weapon fashion available to be built at workshop would be super cool too, but might be asking too much.


8-Captured slaves should be transferred into slave shipments, just like the one you buy from Slaver Joe, so you can put them in your own workshop, turn them in for the quest, or sell them to him or other slavers. The selling rate should not exceed 20% so people don't use it as an exploit too much, if possible.


9-The ability to shake down vendors, like Stockton, and community leaders, like Mayor McDonough or Kessler, should refresh once a week, and not inhibit player interaction afterward like it does for Trashcan Carla in vanilla.


10-Planters with non-food crops used to make Chems should be available in the workbench following the production of a Slaver Shack, with the NPCs assigned to them producing Chems deposited in the workbench just like vanilla vendors produce caps.


That's about as underhanded as I can think of, if someone else has any ideas that would seem feasible and not a huge huge task for the modder, please drop a line below.


And guys, if you know you aren't going to be available to update the mods as time goes on, please give permission for others to continue your work!


If you are interested in making this mod, send me a PM and we can "discuss certain details." :devil:


Thanks for your time. I'm hoping the community will give me some feedback soon. I think this would add a lot of immersion for those of us who always rolled renegades in Mass Effect.

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I too would like to see the raiders as a possible friendly faction (there's zero RP elements with factions in FO4 in its vanilla state), and a ton of tweaks to other factions as well.

But I'd say a lot of this stuff is not gonna happen until the GECK comes out, and if someone is gonna do a mod this huge and time consuming, it would have be someone who really likes fixing up the raiders. (As in not me)


That said, a bunch of raider decorations are already available through this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1478/?


A few things you suggested will probably be available through separate mods down the line, (I might create a slave shop post-GECK and raider settlers pre-GECK if I have time for it, since I want them myself), but if you want the whole experience in one mod, then you simply have to hope that some good modder wants to spend the time it requires to do it all.


Or, if you have a strong opinion on what the mod should include, this might be a good reason for you to start modding yourself ;)

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I have no idea how to mod beyond copy-pasting items in an editor and messing with the values. Tried a bit of cell alteration in Oblivion but I gave up in utter despair. Anywhere you think I should look for beginner resources that might help me on this specific topic? I'd greatly appreciate it.

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