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Great White Sharks

The Dark Brother

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Sharks are possible, all you need is someone who can model and someone who can texture. Then give it slaughterfishes animations. then in the CS add them to the creature list and then add them to the game.

That is much easier said than done, making new creature meshes isn't easy since you can't just extrude a spline like with weapons, statics, and other non-living stuff. Also, using the slaughter fish animations may not work too well since a shark would be significantly larger. Setting a larger scale on creatures usually ends up causing problems.


We do however need more aquatic life in the world.

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We do however need more aquatic life in the world.


Yes, how about playable Sharks as a race? ;)


That'd be cool!


Yes! It would :) :)


There is a mod that adds some wildlife into the water, like fish(koi and other kinds,seaweed and more slaughterfish.

It's called "Alive Waters". They don't add any Great white sharks, though :P

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aye i have seen that mod, and it adds more plants than fishes.



A playable shark race?


i dont think thats kool. Well not as kool as a playable Chimpanzee race! :rolleyes:

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Well, maybe, but not the way I intend it to look.


I was thinking maybe just a shark head ontop of a slightly altered body mesh(abit bulked up,and added fins).

If there is a way to alter the original mesh for khajiit or argonian, this wouldn't be that much of a problem? *

Just enhance the tail into a shark tail, and add some fins on the side,back and arms.




It would look awesome with a shark playable race. I am currently toying a little with milkshape, and learning stuff.

I am working on some weapons actually. Since no onw will help me, I guess I have to step up and try to create it myself (see "New playable race").



Thanks for your time :)


* I can't be that much of a problem..

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A playable shark would be 10x as difficult as a shark creature. And it certainly will look weird o_O

Probably more so if you didn't intend to use the normal body types. All races use the same body mesh. In order to have a race look like it has a different body mesh, it must be wearing clothing/armor that has that mesh attached.


I was thinking maybe just a shark head ontop of a slightly altered body mesh(abit bulked up,and added fins).

Wouldn't work since you would have to keep the neck the same exact size as it is for every other race. If you wanted to do it larger, you would have to make versions of every single torso wearable equipment (and necklaces) (meaning new meshes, and having to adjust the weighting of those meshes)that are designed with the thicker neck. Then using OBSE with some rather teadious scripting to swap out the meshes of the armor when it is worn on that race. It wouldn't be easy at all... There are ALOT of meshes you would have to adjust. Never mind having to figure out how to attach the fins to where they wouldn't clip too badly with armor, or where they would be hidden by armor, while the tail is still visible.

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