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File upload size limit increased to 1Gb (1024Mb)


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Haha Dark0ne this might be the least controversial thing you've done, everyone agrees ha ha


(I didn't mean for that to come off as an insult in case it seems like it...)

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Thank you! We were finally able to have a single DAZIP location up on a 678MB mod! You guys are da bomb! I went through and took any old/outdated versions off my personal mods. Every little bit helps I guess. Freakin' SWEET!


Edited by XTR3M368
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Ok I think I found the problem. I'd changed the server settings properly but I'd forgotten to restart the service on the NVNexus server so the changes hadn't taken affect. It should now be working for you!


OJO BUENO has taken a stab at uploading a 500mb file on the NVNexus and it uploaded to the site so it looks like that is all it needed. In fact, I'm actually downloading it right now without an issue.

Edited by skyline99
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
It would be great if i could migrate my upload packages from one of my fallout3nexus upload sites to another of my fallout3nexus upload sites. Reuploading stuff only to reorganize already uploaded material would be unnecessary.
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