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We all need a friend


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The rain poured down over Arlington, washing away grime from the grave stones so that some random letters and numbers could be seen when it thundered. Some turned perfectly clear thanks to the dirt getting washed of. But the main focus this day wasn’t some ww2 veteran, but a hero from our time, the year 2279. That hero was my dad



-“I cant believe he’s gone Jack, I mean, its like I found him yesterday and now he’s gone” I said to my brother, standing right next to me in the crowd that had gathered. Everyone looked pretty much identical in their black outfits and umbrellas. All who was there had a lantern with them so they could see in the darkness of the night and the storm


Everyone that had ever known my father was gathered there: Dr Li, Three Dog, the brotherhood of steel and a lot of other persons. It was actually pure luck that we got dad’s body with us when we had to evacuate the purifier. The lock on the emergency bulkhead got broken during some fighting and it opened, allowing me to grab dad and then just leg it.


-“I wish the enclave never showed up, that way dad would have still been with us and he could have seen his wife’s dream come true” Jack said to me quietly, almost whispering. –“a big shame to say the least” I just nodded, I didn’t want to show my only remaining family member John (Jack’s real name, Jack is just a nickname) that I, the tough guy of the family, was crying, or let him hear it for that matter.


I went to the outskirt of the funeral, to gather my thoughts a bit when I saw Amata standing all by herself under a tree, so I decided to walk over to her.


-“Hi Amata” I said quietly to her. She didn’t say a word; she just turned around and gave me a big, comforting and caring hug. I could really feel the bonds of our friendship


After we had been standing there, hugging, for about 5 minutes, Amata quietly whispered –“I’m so sorry Mike, I wish everything could be like before, before all this happened”

I tried a little smile, wiped a tear of her face and said: -“if you want, you can follow me on my travels. I wouldn’t mind some company”


She looked at me, from top to toe then said, with a smile on her face, -“you have changed Mr Ryan, you are not the skinny boy I used to know back in the vault. You look more, hardened and experienced now” she said, while gently letting her fingers run across the scars on my face.


-“You’re not the same person I remember from the vault either, then again 2 years has passed since I left, a lot have happened, but it is nice to meet you again” I said and put my arm around her neck and pulled her closer to me, and we both looked at the sun rising through the storm clouds





“You know, I’ll do it. I’ll follow you on your travels”

"That warms this lone wanderer’s heart to hear”


We just looked at each other and smiled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very good imagery and well written character interplay. It shall suit to sate my need for a here-after in regards to fallout 3. I will be watching this closely.


Oh and one more thing, you are an author and this technically is a self-publishment. Im sure there is many accolades to come as you progress but this is a great leap ahead.

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