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Standard Open Doors Have Collision In-Game

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I'm going to post this for anyone else who comes across this issue.


I finally nailed down what was causing my issue. One of my levels had an unfinished NavMesh. It was the level directly before the location with the problems. As soon as I removed it, the issue resolved itself. I remembered afterwards that I had a similar problem after NavMeshing another level. I suspect it has something to do with the cover system, but that's just a theory.


Thankfully, I had iterations and using the Compare filter in FNVEdit helped clue me in after going through each version of the mod to find what had been changed.

That's interesting. When you say 'unfinished' do you mean not finalized? Looking at our esm I found at least one cut-content cell with an un-finalized navmesh. Thanks for sticking with it and reporting back what you found!

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Am I missing something then? Cause I did finalize all of my navmeshes in the mod that had this issue and I still had this problem :pinch:


Although not that it matters to me anyway since I just put a switch to force them open, but yeah, figured I'd point that out :confused:

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I had to double check all my cover for the levels and make sure I didn't have cover going through any of the Utility Doors. After that, I had to turn off/on Archive Invalidation. Then it worked...at least for me. Mine's a bit different since the particular place I'm having the issue I just nuked the NavMesh for later, but I remember adjusting the cover helped a lot, making sure it was properly set up around the edges of every door in another cell I was working on.

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One other detail I found: If I added new elements to the game (textures/models), this issue would suddenly reappear until I turned off and on Archive Invalidation in FOMM. After reactivation, the problem would resolve itself.


However, if this is happening in a NavMeshed cell, I found that make sure that cover was not going through the door was the best fix. It seemed to resolve all the problems with a cell where I had done the NavMesh.


Now if only someone would explain why NavMesh, which is supposed to control the NPC actions, is screwing with a player's ability to walk through doors, they'll get five thousand invisible and useless bits.

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You know, I've had this problem in TTW but only with NPC's, and doors going to different cells. For some weird reason they could not path through the door, I still do not know what causes the problem because it seems to show up randomly during a playthrough.


GECK is just buggy with navmeshes in general and so is Fallout 3/NV, they of course fixed some of those issues in Skyrim.


I would like to investigate this at some point and nail down exactly what the problem is. First is figuring out how to re-create the issue in a simple plugin so it can be examined, so if you know a sure fire way to make it happen let me know and I'll try to investigate it.

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You know, I've had this problem in TTW but only with NPC's, and doors going to different cells. For some weird reason they could not path through the door, I still do not know what causes the problem because it seems to show up randomly during a playthrough.


GECK is just buggy with navmeshes in general and so is Fallout 3/NV, they of course fixed some of those issues in Skyrim.


I would like to investigate this at some point and nail down exactly what the problem is. First is figuring out how to re-create the issue in a simple plugin so it can be examined, so if you know a sure fire way to make it happen let me know and I'll try to investigate it.


I'll see about getting a copy of the bottom level of GoERFS3Labs where I identified my problem and maybe of my other level that still has it. It'll likely be a bit though. I desperately want to finish this series of levels. ^^;;

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