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Earning some coin


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Hi there,


I'm 17 hours into an Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul modded game and doing quite well overall except in one aspect.

Despite raiding dozens of caves/ruins I'm still as poor as a beggar :P ...


I've come in the possession of some high value items which would relieve my money problems instantly but no-one has the coin to buy them from me.

Also going on a shopping spree and paying with items rather than gold, doesn't seem to work: if you ask me the bartering system of this game simply sucks.

I've also tried becoming a gladiator but my stats aren't good enough yet...


I've seen someone on this forum brag about having 400000 septims so I'm doing something wrong.

Is there a difference between vanilla Oblivion and OOO in terms of the gold you can find?

Whats your method for easily earning coin?


Thanks in advance ...

Edited by Voodoochild7742
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Simple ideas:

Sell your high value items for what you can get for them. It may be only a quarter or so of what they are worth, but you will get some cash you can then use to buy what you need.


Get into alchemy, make and sell simple potions. It's cheap to do and brings in some coin.


Join a guild, fighters has some low level quests that pay a little and increase your stats some. As does the Mages Guild.


Talk to the people, some will have suggestions as to quests that pay.

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I have so much money it's stupid. Actually I have too much in my opinion, but I'm greedy, lol I did get tired of no one being able to purchase high dollar items, so I got the Naughty Joanna mod. She does...um..."other things..." but my main use for her is that she always has like 20,000 septims to buy stuff. Plus she's conveniently located next to the stable outside the IC before you cross the bridge to head to Weye.


I suppose that's a cheat of sorts, but it sure has its perks! Namely, you won't be poor anymore! :thumbsup:


On top of what Bben said, you can always clear out every barrel and crate you see in each town and sell those items. They aren't worth much, but the items do add up in terms of money. Check for pearls in every clam you see, that's another source of income. You can also gather herbs & plants and sell those. Getting your barter skill up will help you get the most bang for your buck. If Joanna is too much of a cheat for you, I think way back, I got a mod that increased all merchant money to 5000 septims. It's been so long I've been playing, I don't remember if that's their starting amount or not. If you're skilled enough, clearing out Oblivion gates always yields more loot than can be carried. It's a good way to get money fast.


At any rate, there are several things you can do to make money, mods aside. Just might take you a bit longer. Be sure to gather those Nirnroots and sell them as often as you can to the basement merchant in Skingrad. That's a quest at first, but once you do that, you can sell as many as you find. And as they say, there's always the Thieves Guild! :biggrin:

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I got the money mod where everything has a price. Besides selling everything I had at the best price i could get I started selling everything i could find. It worked well for me. Wasn't long before I had enough septims to get what i needed and a lot extra also
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If you want to do the multiple item cheat, you make bank like no one's business. All you have to do is have more than one spell scroll, select it, then drop a high valued item. It's simple enough. That's how I made my fortune... That and selling potions. Great suggestion, it REALLY works.
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Huh, I don't have OOO installed, but I make around 10,000 every time I raid a fort. (on a level 20 character) I just find a merchant (I don't really check how much gold they have to buy stuff, I have too much gold and it's too easy to get so I don't really care. There's almost nothing I really need to buy, anyways.), cast a 3 second charm 100 on them, and then raise the haggle bar as high as they'll let me. If you really don't care if you get through the game legitly or not, you can always just open up your console (by pressing ~) and typing "player.additem F X" Where "X" is the amount of money you want.
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