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HBO's Game of Thrones- Anybody watching?


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Yes powerful indeed but

the first time i saw those old dragon eggs i thought the dragons gonna hatch out as i was pretty sure that this would be an awesome cliffhanger


Yes i read somewhere that Season 2 will start in February 2012 meanwhile the Production for Season 2 starts in July.


Well I thought about them and the possibility, but just thought they looked too old to do what they did. (How do you like my espionage talk? lol!) I will say this, there is much to come from what I allowed myself to see. But I'm so glad I stopped so I don't know everything! If I hadn't read some of those spoilers though, I would have been completely caught off guard with the twists that happened. The author did do a great job as BE says, of grabbing our attention, then reeling us in hook, line and sinker!


I'm starting to read the books and so far I wanted to tear several guts so badly (won't name names). I love the books I can't stop reading them, GRRM should be very proud of himself, I cannot wait for the 5th one.


Oh yeah BE! Me too! I'm telling you, they are following the books pretty close, so all those things I thought they'd do to keep certain characters as they were in the beginning of the series, was just thrown waaaay out of the window. I'm jealous! :confused: I bet the books are even better than the televised series, they usually are.

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Oh yeah BE! Me too! I'm telling you, they are following the books pretty close, so all those things I thought they'd do to keep certain characters as they were in the beginning of the series, was just thrown waaaay out of the window. I'm jealous! :confused: I bet the books are even better than the televised series, they usually are.


I haven't seen it yet but I'm glad that they are following the books so closely. It is so rare that a studio would do such a thing. I know that there are tons of stuff that didn't make it to all the Harry Potter movies.

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My final thoughts on the first series. I haven't watched the last episode yet...


All the next books are larger and more packed with story, If the second series is not 12 episodes, I expect it to get pretty jumpy.. and progressively so.. we all want 12 episodes anyway, and they'll need them. I have no idea how they are going to fill in the rest of the book in just the last episode. So far I only was bugged about a shortening of a few scenes and them rushing it a little and a few missing details, but it's mostly intact... up to episode 9 anyway. It's been years since I read the books, So I probably have forgotten any important missing scenes.


And why is it dance with dragons only comes out in hardback in July and have to wait for months more for a paperback release? :armscrossed:


All in all I thought they did well as an adaptation. Still recommend the books though.

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Did they really BE? I was always thinking they followed the story of the Potter books pretty closely. My daughter read them all but the last 2 or 3, more than once even. She enjoyed the movies. Probably too young at that time to really analyze the differences, lol. I thought Deadly Hallows Pt. 1 was very slow compared to earlier installments. Makes me think Pt. 2 will be action packed. Of course there's the predictions purely from a literary point of view about the fate of all good heroes and such. But as with GOT, I hope they don't follow suit on those predictions :facepalm:


I haven't read the books Ghogiel, but from the synopses I read on the wiki, seems as though they did stay true, with the exceptions of the things you mentioned. I did catch a couple of things that were different, so I thought on key issues, they'd deviate, but no dice! I bet you'll also think they rushed a bit in the finale. Whether they did or not, it sure felt as though they did in certain spots. But good series overall, I'll be looking forward to it next spring.

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Did they really BE? I was always thinking they followed the story of the Potter books pretty closely. My daughter read them all but the last 2 or 3, more than once even. She enjoyed the movies. Probably too young at that time to really analyze the differences, lol. I thought Deadly Hallows Pt. 1 was very slow compared to earlier installments. Makes me think Pt. 2 will be action packed. Of course there's the predictions purely from a literary point of view about the fate of all good heroes and such. But as with GOT, I hope they don't follow suit on those predictions :facepalm:


Yes, I remember reading the third book and realising that there were stuff missing from the original book. They just couldn't fit it in into one movie. To see a actual studio following the original text so closely, it's a god send. I haven't seen the first season but from the tid bits that I have seen, they seem to have it pretty right.

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I bet pretty soon you'll be able to see snippets, or maybe even whole episodes on hulu or something. I think you'll like it.


Now that you mention it on the Potter series, I do remember my daughter having to explain certain things, which were in the book, but not in the movies. That's always tricky as you say, because if something deviates a lot or is changed the viewer can get really confused because things just don't make sense. I read a LOT of Stephen King undergrad and beyond. His movies ALWAYS veered from the book in some way, often in really significant ways. He never shyed away from killing off kids in the books, but in the movies...naw, they always lived. Took some of the "ooomph!" out of the movies, imho.


But as I've said for GoT, that definitely is NOT a problem, lol!

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