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Sleep in occupied bed idea..


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I had an idea not sure if it's been done yet. I recall (haven't played in awhile) that my character could not sleep in the double bed when his spouse was sleeping (been fixed? was it a bug? as I said been awhile). Anyway I am tweaking a house mod and the master bedroom has 2 double beds one is linked to spouse xmarker ref. I think it looks awkward and that's when I started looking into sleep mods and I don't feel they are for me I don't really care about seeing myself sleep, I don't in reality either XD. I had a thought that wouldn't rely on scripts etc to share the "same" bed with your spouse and would do it myself except there is a lot involved in getting blender to work with skyrim meshes. My idea was to split the double beds in half making 2 separate beds that push up to each other appearing to be a single double bed. Anyone feel up to taking a saw to the beds?




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It's funny how after posting something like what I did how the brain will kick in gear shortly after and come up with alternatives. I edited the double bed making a new form ID disabled the right side sleep marker, brought in a single bed right side clipped it into the double made the single a new form ID then applied null texture to it and voila! I have a double bed that is marked for spouse and a hidden single player owned bed mixed into it so it looks like a shared double bed now he can sleep next to his spouse. Thought that this was kind of brilliant i must say however all for nothing if I was remembering wrong and double beds were share-able the whole time XD

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I actually can't remember if you can sleep in the same bed as your spouse either. For that matter, I don't think I've ever seen my spouse in Skyrim ever sleep. Hmm. I'm pretty sure you're right though, and that you can't share a bed. Although, there is a possibility we both remember wrong. Either way, kudos on figuring it all out.

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