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Companion Character becomes invisibile


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I'll first start off with what lead me to use the option I am currently using.

I have a character that I've been using for quite some time, and I spent quite a while changing her appearance until I finally arrived at an acceptable end. Well, now I want to use this same character as a companion, but I was unaware how to do that. I've looked around, and I cannot find any mod that allows me to give an npc a player character's appearance.

So, what I ended up doing was starting a new game, and I used Face Exchange Lite to make my new character look just like my old character. I then used a console command to create a full actor copy of my character. Then, I edited my new player character to look the way I saw fit. Finally, I ended up downloading a mod that allowed me to make that full actor copy a companion. The results were to my liking. I had my old character as a companion with a new character as my player character.


The problem is that after I reload the save a few times - three maybe four times -, the companion, my old character, turns invisible. She's wearing the same clothes as before, but her skin is the default color of her race, and she's taller. If I take her clothing off, she becomes completely invisible as if her textures and meshes were gone. This happens to every save. I cannot reload a previous save to fix the problem. I backed up a save whenever I remade the companion, and whenever I experienced the problem again, I put the old save back in, but alas, she was still invisible.


If anyone knows how to prevent this, please tell me, or if there is a solution to making my old Player Character into an NPC, that will work, too.

Edited by MntnDew
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Well, I just started doing this today, so I cannot tell you whether or not this is something that would always happen as I have never experienced a time where this didn't happen. I'll post my mod list tomorrow whenever I get back on.
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There's an alternative way, but it requires Wrye Bash. I have Wrye Bash but I've never tried this way before, but since Wrye Bash is pretty good at doing stuff, I imagine it's gonna work well:


Here's the link to some info on how to do it. Scroll to the bottom. It's really short but it seems pretty straightforward.


Also, it's not a good idea to create a full copy of yourself and use that as a companion. There's too many dangers. For one, if you accidentally hit them in combat, and you're in the Fighter's Guild, you get kicked out of the guild. There's more, but it's been an old discussion already for years.

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