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playable advent mod: details, feedback


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So, I know this mod seems to be on the side of dead, with no updates since just after Shen's Last Gift, but I have been thinking about this mod for a long while. Since the Aliens are, unfortunately, very similar in design, and not nearly as unique as they once were in XCOM Enemy Within, I realize that it is quite hard to make each alien fill a specific role within XCOM that cannot currently be filled by a soldier or the new SPARK. I do have several ideas for how to make the aliens more interesting and unique, however.


First, I had an idea that I think is fitting of the Viper. Vipers here have been given two trees: Hit and Run. They are only semi fitting of the viper, I was thinking something more like Assassin and Harassment. In the Harassment tree, give her the ability to reenter stealth, give her the ability to apply more effects with her poison, like disorient, or increase the damage to slowly hurt enemies over time. In the Assassin tree, add damage to her bind and crush, increase the accuracy of her tongue grab, or just accuracy in general, and grant her the ability to Execute enemies at 50% health or less when she grabs them. Perhaps even give it a second upgrade to execute an enemy at full health in the turn following her grab, if she isn't shot and forced to release her prey.


My second idea is for the Muton. He is the Foot Soldier of the Alien forces, and should probably have a tree that reflects his abilities. One tree dedicated to pinning the enemy down with fire, the other dedicated to killing them outright: Increased damage, accuracy, crit chance and damage, and possibly a bayonet charge, if such a thing can be enabled. One that works like the Fleche ability in the LWPP, so that the further he runs, the harder he hits. The Muton is bred to kill the enemy and subdue the resistance in the most Brutally efficient way possible. He is literally a born killer, that's what he should be all about.


Then we have the Berserker. She is fairly obvious in her nature. A brute, all raw energy and strength. By definition, she lacks variety and is not particularly good at fitting into the general structure of the XCOM Project. Her purpose is to charge into the bulk of the enemy and devastate them with melee attacks, breaking their spirit and bodies in equal measure. One potential boon for her would be to allow her to use a radial groundpound to stun and disorient foes, and then attack with multiple melee strikes on the next turn. A reaper-style ability would definitely amp up the damage she could deal. I also think, that rather than destroying everything in her path, she needs an ability much like the Enemy Unknown Version's Bull Rush. A targeted ability that destroys a specific piece of terrain and hurts the guy behind it. This feels particularly fitting of the berserker, but an ability she lacks. She could also probably use a Roar that causes enemies to panic around her. I know Fire breath has a cool factor, but I don't think the Berserker needs it.


The Archon. This is an interesting character. Just using his base abilities, he is a weirdly tanky blitz attacker with Melee, shooting and an explosive attack. I think it would be good to give him something like Inspire or an ability to boost the will of allies to make them immune to panic and the like. He should definitely be a supportive character, ability wise, as he already has powerful attacks. I'm not really sure what else to do with him accept giving him extra shots with Blazing pinions or extra radius. he is naturally hard to hit.


These are just my thoughts, after playing around with the new classes introduced by the LWPP, as they reveal the kinds of perks you can give things.

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Should I repost my thoughts in the Discussion there, then?

Only if you like seeing your own text twice, :tongue:


In all seriousness, your input is appreciated, and we do hope to differentiate classes a bit more as time goes on, but custom abilities are difficult, and we're getting a lot more demands right now to get customization back up and running. On top of that, we don't have that many people actively working on the mod at the moment, (I'm probably gonna have to take a break from it soon too, a lot of projects I neglect every weekend I work on this, :\ ) so we'll do what we can, but the best way to go about getting any of these abilities implemented would be grabbing the SDK and seeing if you can get them running yourself. Aside from that, we'll be adding a balance discussion page in the steam mod thread, wouldn't mind seeing more nitty gritty input there, :D

Edited by koopakidshyguy
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