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Weird ankle animations


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Okay, hopefully everything goes okay then. :smile:


Unfortunately this did not help :(


I've resolved that if I cannot fix this issue, I will enjoy my game with an armor that doesnt glitch out until I've beaten it, and then I'll reinstall cleanly and build it back from the ground up.

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  • 6 months later...

I don't know if bumping old topics up again is forbidden on these forums, so sorry if this is the case..but this issue is still very persistent.


I've reinstalled Skyrim twice since posting this topic. I have based my build on STEP and have been careful with what I've installed...but it seems no matter what I do, something is causing the character body to warp...sometimes armor warps in the same direction as the ankles, but this only applies to armor that includes HDTHH parts. I have a photo of this happening with the feathers on the Gotha Rensa armor.



This is really bothering me. All of these elegant armors I want to use, and can't!


I hope someone can explain this to me.

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Does HDT High Heels work as expected on other armors?


Only the Sotteta Necromancer boots. every other high heel mod seems to cause this issue.




I found that a heel without need of HDTHH also causes this glitch. Steel Bikini Armor. Then I thought maybe the issue was with FootIK, so I tried the FootIK off spell but it did not seem to help in any way. Maybe bodyslide is the issue. I was using UUNP when I converted to UNP...but I know so little about this stuff. I have been googling for a few hours now and I just can't find any leads.

Edited by pickyourpoison
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HDT is old try looking for version of the Armors made with "Expired Equippable Transforms" like this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69709/? however you need to Stop using HDT & Uninstall it.

If you use RaceMenu, your good to go.

If you use ECE, you need to down load http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37481/?

The good new is your load order will have one less Master File

Make sure that you uninstall all HDT Heels Mods or you will Crash & Burn at Start Up




Equippable Transforms

What are Equippable Transforms? They are essentially additional data that can be attached onto Armor that will apply an NiTransform internally to the skeleton. What would you use this for? Replacing High Heels of course! The transform is also done natively so it's near instant application.

How do you use it? Simple, add an NiStringExtraData named "SDTA" without quotes (Skeleton Data) to your NiTriShape or NiTriStrips of the armor you want to apply it to (You may need to apply to both _0 and _1)

The "String Data" will be a JSON formatted string, here is a sample:
{"name":"NPC L Breast","scale":2.0,"pos":[0,0,0],"rot":[0,0,0]},
{"name":"NPC R Breast","scale":2.0,"pos":[0,0,0],"rot":[0,0,0]}
The "name" field is the name of the node you are transforming
The "pos" field is a relative translation of the node you are transforming
The "rot" field is a rotation in degress in euler angles (heading, attitude, bank)

Here is a sample for replacing High Heels
[{"name":"NPC","pos":[0, 0, 5.0]}]
You may need to tweak the units as I just eyeballed it for the particular boots I was using.

This runs off the existing Transform framework that NiOverride provides, so any modifications to particular nodes will stack with these, you can only have one internal equipped node transform (i.e. two pieces of armor cant modify the same node, overwriting will happen and the behavior will most likely be last written or undefined).



Hopefully this will solve ALL your problems. :thumbsup:

Edited by PeterMartyr
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Try building the armors with UNP and see if that helps.


No such luck :sad: I also tried using different animations for walking/running, but no luck there either...


I just tried UNP with no bodyslide and the issue still persisted with Emfy Cleric Robes...I'm so lost over this one.

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