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Short grass in cities


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Forget the city mods with 2000 new objects crashing your Skyrim.

A quick mod that adds short grass on all the dirt/grass flat ground in whiterun would be awesome and not killing fps.

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It's been a while, but I remember I looked at that while doing my springtime overhaul and it was a no go. could be wrong, it's been a long while, but I remember I ended up just texturing the worldspace to be greener to match my springtime because I threw up my hands in disgust at what they did to that worldspace.


IIRC the WhiterunWorld landscape geometry is a weird hack-y cut and paste job by Bethesda and more like a giant static object than landscape elsewhere, I don't think it allowed any painting on of the usual landscape textures. I hope I'm wrong, though.

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IIRC the WhiterunWorld landscape geometry is a weird hack-y cut and paste job by Bethesda and more like a giant static object than landscape elsewhere, I don't think it allowed any painting on of the usual landscape textures. I hope I'm wrong, though.


Correct, its not landscape terrain at all but rather a series of large interlocked meshes. The only landscape is the LOD that underlies the meshes (try noclipping through the "ground" and you'll see)


Landscape grasses are a series of textures with linked meshes that are "painted" onto the terrain with the CK, with the cities you'd have to somehow merge the city "ground" meshes and grass meshes together. Which sounds like a lot of work even if you are competent with Blender/Max.



Sounded like a very easy mod to me. Just some grass on the landscape/ground meshes of the city.


You think if it was that easy someone wouldn't have done it already? :rolleyes:

Edited by soupdragon1234
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