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Dirty Tattooed Female raider textures?


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something equivalent to what Breezes mod does for the raider males. dirty w/ some tats. i can find nothing like this for the females. MMM for FO3 had some good ones. anything like this for FNV? would be awesome if there could be some diversity to the raiders too. like some clean, some w/ just tats, different tats, dusty, muddy, ect.
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thanks. i've seen that Dusty one before. it's ok but no tats and a lil too dirty. there's a dirty and tattooed texture in that Rotten one that would be perfect if it did not have the rotted, flesh eating virus lesions lol. Mart's Mutant Mod for FO3 had exactly what i'm lookin for. it even had variety in what would appear on raiders. wish that'd get ported
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