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No companion teleport


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Just, don't let companions teleport! If I tell a companion to hide behind a rock, they should stay there for 24 hours, no matter where I go. It's fine if they magically reappear next to me 24 hours later.

But please, please make those companions stop teleporting when I move from cell to cell.

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  • 6 years later...

Amazing Follower Tweaks also makes it so that if you order them to "Stay", they really DO stay. Even if you change cells or fast travel away.

If you happen to forget and leave them behind, it even has a function to Follow again remotely, and then they'll catch up to you. I'm afraid that I haven't tried Liga, so I dunno if it's got similar functions or not. The two are not compatible, or would clash, so I've just been sticking with what I know.

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A lot of people say this, though it seems untrue IMHO.

AFT is pretty stable if you figure out the quirks that come with custom companions and other mods' idiosyncrasies... Which are bound to happen in some form anyway. :yes:

Some AFT and/or Companion features are not lab tested or fool-proof...

As with all mods it's important to understand at least the gist of what is going on inside the back end (just a wee bit will get you farther along each time).

Have been using AFT a long while now without irreconcilable issues that can't be resolved with some patience, understanding and/or in-game tinkering.


Only custom companion I really use (after testing dozens) is a heavily modded version of Winter.

No distracting repetitive yapping off every ten seconds, no convoluted quests/scripts or ginormous sound files for flavor, commentary, dialogues, etc.

(The real source of most instabilities).


To the OP ~ console -> select companion setrestained 1 (???) keeps htem from moving at all, set to 0 to release them.

But I do get what you are saying, i hate it too, but it is not even an engine limitation the game requires it to keep them from getting stuck in tight places as much as possible.

In a way I have come to accept it just considering the alternatives.. :rolleyes:

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