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Frustrated with Game

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First, this is absolutely NOT anything against CDProjekt or Witcher 2 in general--more of an issue with my game playing abilities. W2 is gorgeous and a playable work of art. It is amazing to look at with the graphic settings maxed out.


I loved W1 as I'm an old school-RPG'er. OF course, I haven't played any RPG's since my all time favorites like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Nevewinter Nights. Having waited 10 years to play computer games again, I am definitely a part-time or casual gamer only. Therein lies the problem.


I hate FPS games because I can't play them. My level of suckage knows no bounds. I also hate games where I have to move a certain way or press a button at some obscure time to progress. I loathe the QTE events thing in W2, dislike the combat, and can't stand having to use the WASD keys to move. But, hey, I'm willing to suck it up--IF I can at least play, and at present I'm not playing well.


I hope this isn't considered a spoiler, but I'm stuck at the second dragon sequence in the prologue. No matter what I do, I die...over and over. I read "how to's" online, but it didn't do a damn bit of good. I just die again. Even setting the game on Easy and turning off Difficult QTE Events doesn't do any good. As I mentioned, I suck at these type of gaming shenanigans.


My request: Could someone upload a saved game after the aforementioned event? Or even a bunch of a saved games? This way, I could at least have some fun playing the game, which is the real reason I play anyway. If I'm not having fun, I'm not going to play.


If I can't get any saved games, I guess I'll wait for a mod that might help (much respect to the modders!). Or send W2 off to a friend of mine to enjoy.

Thanks, and sorry to ramble on.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that had that problem. ( I don't think this is a spoiler) I think you are talking about helping the king across the bridge? I kept dieing because I'd walk right into the dragon. But, I then realized the camera view on that scene and I think I used the 'S' key instead to 'back up' away from the dragon at the start of the scene and then just kept going across barely ahead of the dragon. I think I had to 'duck' a few times at the open areas of that bridge too, but for the most part I just stayed ahead of the dragon.


I'm also not a fan of the QTE that is used, simply because I'm not that fast on the keyboard, but I would encourage you to stick with it. It is a good game and while it does get a awkward at times, it is very interesting to play. Just take your time. As you get into the game, things actually start to make sense, even the way you have to do things. So, when ya get frustrated...take a breath, step back for a bit and go at it again.


Oh, by the way? Setting the QTE for 'less difficulty' actually makes it more difficult I have found. Odd, but seems to be the way it worked for me. The events would flash slower on the default setting (difficulty ON) rather then when it was off. This might be a bug I read, others have noticed this too. God luck :thumbsup:

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How to get past this, you have to use a little bit of lateral thinking, have the s key pressed for when the cut scene finishes, you do not have time to turn around before getting killed. If playing any level but easy you also have to be ready to press the right mouse button when indicated or you will be killed. In short hold the s key down and be ready to use the right mouse button when called for, this should get you past the point at which you are stuck.
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Glad to see that I wasn't the only one for which had the problem of running right into the dragon and being killed instantly.<G> After all I was still working on getting used to the changes in the game when I came across this here. And like others said the s key is the one for which you want to use.


As for the QTE's not a big fan of them at all. But will have to teast the theory about it being harder with them off as opposed to on.

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Thanks, guys. I'll give the "S" key method a shot. I tried it before since I was always facing the dragon, and it never did any good, but I'll try again with the "S" pressed from the get-go.


As an aside, I know my thread sounds pathetic (ha-ha). It actually gets worse. I almost quit W1 during the encounter with the beast at the beginning. I swear I must have died two dozen times before I figured out the correct sign to use. After that fiasco, I ended up using the W1 trainer so I could "play better." Nothing beat taking a Swallow potion and charging into a group of attackers using Group Steel or Group Silver. That rocked.

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Thanks, guys. I'll give the "S" key method a shot. I tried it before since I was always facing the dragon, and it never did any good, but I'll try again with the "S" pressed from the get-go.


As an aside, I know my thread sounds pathetic (ha-ha). It actually gets worse. I almost quit W1 during the encounter with the beast at the beginning. I swear I must have died two dozen times before I figured out the correct sign to use. After that fiasco, I ended up using the W1 trainer so I could "play better." Nothing beat taking a Swallow potion and charging into a group of attackers using Group Steel or Group Silver. That rocked.

Start holding the s key when geralt and king foltest get up at the end of the cutscene.... Constanly tap your right mouse button.


When your almost across the hexagonal shaped areas on the bridge, hit the "a" button once to move a bit to the left or you will run into the corner of a wall an get killed.

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For me it wasn't that part at the beginning that sucked so much, it was the part where you have to run under the wooden overhangs and kill a bunch of soldiers, all while avoiding being broiled alive. Zero margin for error. Extremely frustrating to the point I very nearly took the game back until I got massively lucky and had the presence of mind to save right after getting past it.


Once you're past the prologue, things aren't quite so ridiculously hard.

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wait till ya guys get to the Kayran.....heh :whistling:


*round 18 coming up

I actually found the Kayran quit easy.


I was a bit confused in the beginning of the fight, till the *censored* (shile) started screaming to use the Yrden sign.


From there on it was easy going...


I just kept rolling and was lucky I put the Yrdens in the right spots.

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The major problem is that there is no comperhensive in-game tutorial which allows you to "feel" the game. Sure, reading the manual is fun but some people learn by doing and it took me a really long time to get to grips with the system (and still am as we speak). Just saying "deal with it" isn't going to make these things go away. CDRED really need to look at their combat systems and their tutorial because they aren't even near the mark yet.


Also note that I'm not a "noob" but a RPGer expressing a critical look at the game.

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