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Site down-time this evening explained


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Why do people even take the time to do DDoS attacks? It's so dumb and pointless, and most the time it's for something stupid or no reason at all. For example: That one guy who raged about getting his nexus account banned or whatever and decided it'd be funny to start a DDoS attack on nexus. Not like that DDoS attack did anything at all (lol @fail "hax0r" or just stupid script kiddie), but regardless of that, he was banned from a site, and then did something to the site he was banned from just to end up getting in even more trouble. Sometimes though, DDoS attacks are utterly pointless, they don't even have a meaning, they're just stupid little "pranks" constructed by no-life basement dwellers.
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why are they still trying to ''kill'' websites with this "oh i'm such a 1337-m45t3r-m3g4-h4x0r" crap?

what do these ddos-freaks do if some one tells them "get out of my car / bus / house"? will they fill up the mailbox with glue or powertape the door bell for some non-stop jingle-jangle?

imho they got no balls, hiding behind some proxys, eating chips from their chests, (try) laughing insane therwhile and when they even get crosseyed by someone, they call for mama... yeah thats so heroic to f*ck up something like a lifeless server right?

in germany theres a good (nah actually two) word(s) for those people...''dummes kind'' (translated letterly ''stupid kid'') [i'm sorry if there is something in this lines that may bother you the readers, the admins/mod and so on, it was only ment to say what i'm thinking bout that all... hope you don't mind it]

and now:

thanks to the tech-section bringing back the freeway to the mods and the community

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i wondered what was going on when i was looking at the site at 6pm (GMT.)


My god i wish these stupid kids would stop trying to hack the system, so far its the PSN, my internet banking, my hotmail account, my work server, my facebook and still they try to hack nexus. and who knows aht else...

Its so pointless and its just wasting your time and my time and pretty much everyone who uses the internet for what it is supposed to be used for.


I am unsure if i should trust any e-mail i get a the moment.


Sorry just needed to vent somewhere.

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Dark0ne said that its had been an DDoS attack, but the target had not been tesnexus.

The HoN servers where the true targets for the DDoS. Thats why it was down for a whole week.

Tes nexus got some of the smaller waves after the giant tsunami of s#*! that hit the HoN servers


(Its not my intention to offend someone with that tsunami thing, it was just a way to describe the situation)

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It figures! Probably some banned baby that has little man parts.


EDIT - Are you kidding me?! They DDoS the HoN servers because there is no Indian flag selection to choose from?! Being true to Fallout, I think they need some M82A1 love.

Edited by KeltecRFB
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