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Mysterious Blue Dot


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When equipping Aphrodite IX Goggles from Tailor Maid my character gets a nice light blue circle/cylinder on the left cheek (facial cheek!).


Any chance anyone is aware of what might be causing the problem? I've attached a screen for reference.


(I disabled all mods minus Tailor Maid.esp and Tailor Maid The Pitt.esp. still happens so Im guessing conflicting files)


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Rayek
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I get that, too. It looks okay with your settings, but with mine, it's not even blue. It's Neon White and bleeds bloom like it was going out of style.


I think it's supposed to be like that. As a "beauty mark" or something. It's certainly not a conflict, maybe just a bad texture.

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It's actually worse than the screenshot shows, hair cover it slightly and I'm in a dark area...outside it's an even bigger eyesore.


Bummer was actually hoping it was just a conflict or bad installation. If you're getting it too it might be the mod and a bad texture/mesh as you suggest.


I can't imagine everyone is getting it though as this is a pretty popular mod and I can't find anything else about it (yet). Hmmmm.




Same thing happens on whoever I give it to.



If anyone knows of a fix I would be grateful. Here's hoping. :confused:

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The goggles were made that way. The blue circle is attached to the mesh. It uses the texture for the alien blaster ammo. You can remove it in Nifskope. Right click on the blue circle, select Block, then Remove Branch and save the mesh.
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The goggles were made that way. The blue circle is attached to the mesh. It uses the texture for the alien blaster ammo. You can remove it in Nifskope. Right click on the blue circle, select Block, then Remove Branch and save the mesh.



Thanks Beth, that did it and couldn't have been any easier. Kudos to you.

Edited by Rayek
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