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Request: Fallout 4 workshop storage for Skyrim


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I'm not sure if there are any existing mods out there that do this (scoured half of the nexus trying to search for one..) but is there a mod that allows us to craft simply by storing the materials in a chest without having to pull them out?



Im tired of always pulling ores out and, after crafting, putting them back in the chest (because im over-encumbered) afterwards. I like how FO4 manages to simply let you dump all junk in the workshop, and you can then proceed to the crafting stations with all materials available to you..



Is there a mod out there that does this for skyrim? If not, well... here's me requesting one :D



It doesnt have to be for all cities.. maybe just for the hearthfire homes that have forges underneath the house.

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I did a little dishing around and found these previous efforts:


Home with crafting station storage -



Someone else who tried to make crafting station storage -



Something relatively similar but requires manually storing and pressing activators (I think)


Edited by teslashark
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