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Stardew Valley

Mod Suggestions.


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I have to assume a lot of this has been put forth already but just as a repeat: Please someone make a nude edit for the female versions of characters. Some have one I think, but like for adarians mod. Harriot, Samantha and fAlex. (Sabrina has it, even though she is a bit flat chested). For a reference, something like Buxom mods would be great.

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I almost exclusively play this game with my wife and our greatest annoyance is how the pause function is non-existent in multiplayer. I would attempt to create a mod myself but I lack the knowledge and technical skill to do so. So my request is if someone could create a Multiplayer Menu Time Freeze mod where if all players are in their inventory at the same time, the game time effectively freezes.

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A mod that allows you to "pin" certain townspeople to the top of the social tab would be amazing. I hate having to scroll down the long list (especially with SVE) of people to remind myself who still needs gifts for the week.

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The mod I'd love to suggest is a part of a mod that's been in hiatus for a while - Teh's Fishing Overhaul. I really miss the feature that changed the fishing minigame cursor to the fish that was currently being reeled in. And I know there is "Fish Preview", but it's just not the same, so if anyone has the knowledge of Stardew's code inner workings, then maybe somewhat reworking the source code of Fish Preview would do the trick.

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I don't know hot to mod myself but im callin out my fellow otakus to make som kind of waifu dating pack. To just change the sprite of a female npc would be awesome but adding new conversations and events to would be out of this world. Im 100% willing to support with money to the one whom would create such a mod.


Suggestions for waifus:


Rin tohsaka

Mai sakurajima


Mona (genshin inoact)


Nino nakano

Miku nakano


Thanks for taking ur time reading this <3

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can someone with the knowledge of .dll programming update the "custom adventure guild mod"?
its broken since 1.5 update.

I am missing it dearly.

the author allowed uploading and releasing bug fixes by others and the source code is here:


Edited by BoogieBest
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can I ask for a mod that allows you to help some npcs get into relatioship whit eachother please


I really climb the wall of an OCD everytime I see a cutscene of Clint being all (sorry for the word) dumb everytime over Emily ... or the mayor whit Marnie ... or even Abgail's seemed had a crush on Sebastian (maybe is just in my head, but some conversation lines made think this)


not that it have to be much detailed on those relations but if we could help them I would like this ... and even opens paths for possible new events whit the couples afterwards

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