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Islamic textures in 1.2


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There is censorship, then there is common sense. As a muslim I wasn't offended (don't use me as proof for all muslims) but you have to understand that there are many people on both sides who don't understand the major issue at all. I recall that it was the carpet in the brothel that looked like a place of worship. If so then it's a good call because some hardliners would see it as a jab at Islam. It's the same thing with barring content because the hardline Christians don't like it or hardline Jews. Common sense prevails all. Also noting that I've seen many motifs on carpets but there isn't any motif of a place of worship on carpets, so that carpet isn't actually correct and that carpets were not used as floor coverings in western Europe till the 18 th century.
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So freedom of expression only exists when something is in good taste?

That is my issue, censorship is my issue


It was a carpet, it wasn't a storyline change or anything actually important. As for freedom of expression, CDPR put it in and should be free to remove it again if they're not comfortable with it.

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I recall that it was the carpet in the brothel that looked like a place of worship. If so then it's a good call because some hardliners would see it as a jab at Islam.


So, anything "hardliners" see as a jab at islam, we must remove... from everything?


This is ridiculous. So what if a few muslims get offended. We are not guaranteed the right to not be offended in this world, no matter where we live. Everyone gets so "PC" when it comes to certain things like muslims. Grown men suddenly start tip-toeing around issues and pandering to unreasonable requests.


If you are a muslim and see something offensive in a game... so what! Don't play the game. It's simple, really.


I guess some offended muslims got together and made a big stink about this, and then the company caved in instead of telling them to go !@#$% themselves, which would have been the appropriate response.


In my opinion, if such "hardliners" see something as offensive, they are just being overly touchy and sensitive, and need to man up... and shut up.

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I recall that it was the carpet in the brothel that looked like a place of worship. If so then it's a good call because some hardliners would see it as a jab at Islam.


So, anything "hardliners" see as a jab at islam, we must remove... from everything?


This is ridiculous. So what if a few muslims get offended. We are not guaranteed the right to not be offended in this world, no matter where we live. Everyone gets so "PC" when it comes to certain things like muslims. Grown men suddenly start tip-toeing around issues and pandering to unreasonable requests.


If you are a muslim and see something offensive in a game... so what! Don't play the game. It's simple, really.


I guess some offended muslims got together and made a big stink about this, and then the company caved in instead of telling them to go !@#$% themselves, which would have been the appropriate response.


In my opinion, if such "hardliners" see something as offensive, they are just being overly touchy and sensitive, and need to man up... and shut up.


How do you know anyone requested its removal? CDPR have said it was a mistake, that indicates that it shouldn't have been there in the first place. I'm very much against censorship but I also respect the beliefs of others, there is no need to offend people over something as trivial as the pattern on a carpet.

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I recall that it was the carpet in the brothel that looked like a place of worship. If so then it's a good call because some hardliners would see it as a jab at Islam.


So, anything "hardliners" see as a jab at islam, we must remove... from everything?


This is ridiculous. So what if a few muslims get offended. We are not guaranteed the right to not be offended in this world, no matter where we live. Everyone gets so "PC" when it comes to certain things like muslims. Grown men suddenly start tip-toeing around issues and pandering to unreasonable requests.


If you are a muslim and see something offensive in a game... so what! Don't play the game. It's simple, really.


I guess some offended muslims got together and made a big stink about this, and then the company caved in instead of telling them to go !@#$% themselves, which would have been the appropriate response.


In my opinion, if such "hardliners" see something as offensive, they are just being overly touchy and sensitive, and need to man up... and shut up.


You must have forgotten your reading glasses because I stated that


As a muslim I wasn't offended


There is no such thing as total freedom of expression and your foolish to even consider it. If RED felt unconfortable about it, then they have every right to remove the content, regardless of what you may think. I think you need to man up about respect that there are people other there, regardless of faith or background that will object and with enough push could damage the company in the long run. Grow up :rolleyes:

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So freedom of expression only exists when something is in good taste?

That is my issue, censorship is my issue

So because you don't like censorship you are going to censor a alteration of a game by it's makers?

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I was reading the Patch items and posted this the other day in the Community on the Witcher 2 site:


"What the hell is this "fix?": "Islamic–themed and similar textures have been deleted and/or replaced."Pretty damn sad if you guys caved to political correctness or worse, fear. It's a game. If someone is "offended," they can a) not play, b) get over it, c) STFU or d) All of the Above. You should have put a freaking Islamic crescent tattoo on Triss's azz. (Aside: my wife is Islamic, so I'm not completely oblivious to this stuff).As for personal complaints regarding the game, I really, REALLY don't like the QTEs, and greatly miss the W1 style combat."


I've read the other posts in this thread and feel they all have their validity given the multi-country market for this game. I understand that "freedom of speech" from an American perspective doesn't necessary mean a damn thing in another country, and even America's "freedom of speech" has become rather dubious over the last 20 years. Also, opinions are like azzholes--everyone has one. With that said, further elaboration of my opinion follows....


As I said, I'm married to a Muslim, and to make matters more entertaining, I'm Jewish. Heck, a good portion of my Jewish/Russian/Polish relatives were purged during WWII. Still, I DO NOT CARE if CDProject wanted to include "anti-Semetic" (I use that term loosely) pictographs, drawings, or even text, because *thunder booms* its a game....a game. That's it. Now, getting all riled up over their removal of the Islamic-themed items is undoubtedly just as ridiculous as someone wetting their pants over their inclusion. After all, it's just a game. Regardless, let me rant for a second.


It just irks me as it comes across as "sensitivity-based" or "politically correct" censorship. No one wants to offend anyone. Well, if I buy an adult themed game, I WANT to be offended. I want boobs, azz, and buckets of blood. I want cursing, racist or ethnocentric speech, and some toilet humor. I want the game developers to say, "You thought there weren't any more limits to cross? Wrong! We break new barriers in offensiveness!" Something like that is ABSOLUTELY my money in their pockets! Yes, please. I'll take the game and give me another for my friends. I use the game rating system to make the final decision on whether or not I'll buy a game. I want a comprehensive list that says, "see web site for additional 2 gazillion items." I'll probably buy the new Duke Nukem game solely for the offensiveness as I hate FPS games.


This is NOT a pretty world and neither is Geralt's. It's ruthless, cut-throat and bathed in shades of grey. I don't care what the reason was for the inclusion of the Islamic image, but just keep the damn thing there. Stand by the content and stick to patching the technical issues.


OK, enough rant! I'm sure the modders will probably add it back, and I'll be sure to add that mod. If you want to put a Star of David on Triss's azz, go for it! :)

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So freedom of expression only exists when something is in good taste?

That is my issue, censorship is my issue


Then express yourself by making your own mod.


They most likely took it out of the game because they didn't want to offend Muslims who play it by putting something from their culture into a virtual brothel. They did it out of respect for them.


Just because we Europeans/Americans don't know anything about culture and traditions anymore doesn't mean we shouldn't respect those of other people.

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Just because some of you don't care doesn't mean that you shouldn't respect other cultures. Censorship is when I can't finish a quest which RED originally intended because Australian government didn't like it. That's censorship. When RED removes something because they felt unconfortable that's called removal of unwarrented content. There is a thing called respect and everyone should respect each other. If you guys want to mod it back in that's just fine but don't you guys ever say that a company didn't had the right to add or remove content at their own expense.
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